4-min walk from Exit A1, Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
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Review (76)
Level4 2024-01-03
Temperature of Hong Kong has dropped sharply recently. The humid cold seems to persist even though the temperature already rises. To feel warmer, hotpot is always a wonderful idea. This Wagyu More branch is located conveniently in Metro Town in Tiu Keng Leng station. The price of the dinner set ranges from $128 to $508 for adults, depending on time of dining and parts of beef. I chose Level 2 beef shoulder with pork bone soup, $198 per head. To get more food, we took some from the buffet area, and ordered some by scanning QR code. Wide varieties of items are availableJuizzy - love to have some fruity beverage choicesI always like pork bone soup, which is made from boiling pork bones, typically with vegetables. It is a popular dish in many Asian countries and is often enjoyed for its rich and savory flavor. Overall, Wagyu More is a popular all-you-can-eat hotpot place. The price is quite competitive among its competitors. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-30
牛摩 (都會駅) (將軍澳).自從搬左去調景嶺,周圍都唔算多野食,想打邊爐好彩有價錢親民嘅牛摩.▪️LV2 精選牛肩胛套餐▪️.一人一鍋我地可以揀兩個湯底,我揀左比較清嘅博多美骨膠原雞白湯佢就選擇左個比較濃味嘅關東風壽喜燒!.肉類佢有牛肌腹牛肩胛牛舌等,另外仲有豚肉同雞肉,個人覺得個雞肉好好食😋.另外個套餐仲包少量海鮮同炸物,青口帆立貝再加上帆立貝.另外係出面仲有蔬菜,壽司🍣等可以拎,麵食甜品!.飲品仲有沙冰,罐裝紙包同咖啡機!.📌 牛摩 (都會駅) (將軍澳)將軍澳調景嶺景嶺路8號都會駅2樓K01A及039號舖.環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️味道:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️價錢:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-23
呢晚黎到調景嶺呢間牛摩打邊爐,我地叫左Level 4 既極上牛小排餐, 佢想牛小排真係令人忍唔住食完一碟又一碟! 超高質! 首先, 店員安排左我地既座位, 都坐得幾舒服! 張枱夠大放野! 我地叫完湯底就出左去拎野食, 出面有好多菜呀丸呀, 麵, 野飲個D, 仲有前菜, 都有雪糕! 眼花瞭亂好多野揀呀!!! 我地拎左D 野飲同丸仲有菜就番埋位, 呢個時候湯底都到左~ 佢既肉係用QR code 落單, 入面仲有D 熟食同炸物可以落, 薯角個D都幾高質, 真係炸出殷熱辣辣, 我地主力都係叫牛, 食左好多碟! 大滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-17
約一位成日遲到嘅朋友晚膳,次次遲到理由一係塞車,一係就唔方便,總係理由多多,所以今次特登約位於調景嶺站上蓋嘅「牛摩」食火鍋放題,一出站幾步路就到,咁就冇遲到理由了吧。食店幾簡潔乾淨,安排坐的卡位幾舒服,食物方面,有幾個 level 選擇,我們選了 LV3「阿古梅豚肉」,除咗可以食到LV1及LV2嘅食物,仲可以食到LV3嘅墨魚滑、章魚燒、芝士牛肉貢丸、一口芝士等等,連埋出面bar枱嘅都好夠食。掃QR code落order,既方便又方便查record,減少漏單,而且亦可即時知道邊啲要加錢追加食物。飲品櫃夠多選擇,除咗汽水仲有沙冰,可以飲幾款唔駛傷腦筋。整體嚟講肉類新鮮, 放在滾湯勺一陣就可以拿來吃,不需要放太久,免得過嚡。其他有我喜愛嘅迷你甜糖薯, 那種甜非一般砂糖可的甜, 肉質軟綿綿, 不錯。出面bar枱亦甜點,種類不多, 不過係幾好食。反而食店有爆谷供應,平時都只係睇戲先會食,所以係驚喜。整體嚟講,環境同一個價錢無限量食嘢,對於間唔中放肆一下,係幾划算同開懷嘅事情。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-10
老公早幾日話,未爬龍舟水,都唔好收埋啲冬天衫住。我當時心諗:吓?呢排好熱喎⋯⋯溫度唔會下降呀嘛?點知,呢一兩日我覺得似變咗秋天咁,涼得黎有少少寒意。😵‍💫所以放工後,好想打吓邊爐,暖吓身。咁啱今日喺將軍澳做完嘢,見到有依間按摩,就忍唔住入咗去嗌咗個Level one嘅餐(但時候發覺其實level one冇乜嘢可以食,做事叫高一個Level的 Level two啦…)我成日以為牛摩係連鎖店,裝修會差唔多,點知,依間舖頭同我屋企樓下食開嗰間好唔同,裝修唔同、食材擺設櫃及氣氛都唔同,仲令我驚喜嘅係竟然有爆谷食! (仲要係好食嘅嗰種)而且,個雪糕機竟然唔係普通嘅雪芭,竟然係牛奶雪糕!!!正!配料竟然仲有紅豆可以揀,原來唔同分店係可以有咁唔同嘅選擇,搞到我都想試吓其他唔同分店添…. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)