Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (兆萬中心)

Restaurant: Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (兆萬中心)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
3-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
It is famous for its fried chicken, which is imported from Korea directly. And the sauce is made from the Jeju vegetables and twenty types of natural ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:30 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:30 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:30 - 23:00
12:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
S.W.A.G - 「韓雞」空運到港
Soy Sauce - Yadllie 手工炸雞的精髓在於採用韓國濟州島栽培的各種新鮮蔬菜和 20 多種天然材料混合而成的秘製醬料。
我們將韓國新鮮雞肉放入秘製醬料以Yadllie 獨有的專利腌製技術,發酵 72 小時以上。
秘製醬料加上我們在韓國傳統浸泡腌製法上加以改良的獨有技術,就是Yadllie 炸雞的獨特味道和鮮嫩口感的秘訣。

Without Dress - 由於粉漿會吸收大量油份,為打造健康炸雞。每份Yadllie 炸雞均是用人手在腌製好的雞肉上,一件一件撲上薄薄一層的秘製乾粉。我們有信心Yadllie 炸雞的美味是在於雞肉上,這不是一般以調味粉混和而成的粉漿炸雞可以比擬。

A Pressure Fryer - 所有Yadllie 炸雞,均使用壓力油炸鍋,以雙重高壓油炸技術處理。首次油炸過程是使用封閉式壓力油炸方法將雞件油炸至七成熟,鎖住用汁。第二次則以開放式油炸鍋再炸至全熟,用以排走多餘油份,以及令Yadllie炸雞更加外脆內嫩。過程中,壓力、時間及濕度都要拿捏得十分準確。

Great Taste - 用 Yadllie 獨有的專利配方和技術加上韓國空運到港的「韓雞」所炸成的Yadllie炸雞。再配搭上全韓國進口,我們精心調製各式的Yadllie調味醬料。不單食材安全,風味獨特,口感鮮嫩,而且令人一試難忘!


Yadllie Chicken 至2008年創立至今,無論是炸雞,還是其他出品,在韓國乃至世界各地都受廣大顧客的支持和愛戴。 為了報答親愛的顧客,從創立初期至今,我們從不吝嗇投入大量資源於食品安全和菜式研發上。
全因為我們對高品質食品的要求。公司除了獲頒發ISO9001(品質管理系統認證),ISO14001(環境管理系統認證)和HACCP(食品安全管理認證)之外。在出品上,我們研究人員成功地研發了特製腌漬浸水法,壓力油炸法和炸油實時酸值測定法等特有技術的專利 。

Yadllie 於2016年來到香港發展,我們每份有骨炸雞,都是原隻從韓國進口,在韓國土生土長的「走地雞」。希望親愛的香港顧客可以感受到我們的誠意,繼續支持和愛戴Yadllie。

About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (兆萬中心)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (1891)
Level4 2024-01-16
太想食韓國菜🇰🇷,就約朋友去食,兩個女仔又想食炸雞但又怕肥,最後叫左驚喜二重奏。驚喜二重奏:沙律、牛扒、炸雞 - 三種主菜帶來的不同口感和層次,沙律清新爽口帶酸甜;牛扒香嫩多汁;炸雞酥脆口感,再加熱石板,想食有幾熟就有機熟,不同口感相互交錯,層次分明,味道豐富。炸雞🍗雞嫩滑,仲要係成半隻炸雞的份量,絕對要叫🤪滷水五花腩 - 豬腩肉口感肥膩,但透過滷制後,肉質變得更加飽滿,口味也更加豐富,帶有淡淡甜味。醬料的選用也是關鍵,五香味和豆瓣醬的組合讓味道更加圓潤。食既時候加生菜🥬辣將五花腩的肥膩減卻,仲令我食哂成碟烤牛肉水冷麵 - 烤過的牛肉帶有微微焦香,搭配清爽冷麵,帶出獨特風味。調料醬油、辣醬和芝麻醬相互呼應,最特別有洋蔥絲、蘿蔔絲、青蘋果絲,層次豐富,讓人回味無窮。再加上湯底涼浸浸。香芋沙冰 - 香芋的香氣和甜味與冰沙完美結合,冰涼的口感中帶有柔滑的口感,伴隨著濃濃的香芋味道,加入果汁增加了口感豐富度。江西淡啤 - 酒香濃郁,口感柔滑微帶苦味,酒體醇厚回甘。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間Yadllie Plate不嬲都係食肉怪既福音,位於旺角鬧市兆萬中心11樓,lunchtime 通常無咁爆場,可以慢慢食。驚喜二重奏 $258之前食過呢間野都唔覺有二重奏,應該新品黎,又有牛排又有原味炸雞🍗,滿足曬想食多啲品種嘅人!八爪魚煎餅 $128香脆可口,配上兩款醬汁,最緊要煎得唔油,幾有功力既一道韓國菜。火炙牛 $98店員即上即燒,牛肉質嫩滑,配上甜甜地有洋蔥既汁,享受到入口即化既滋味😋芝士蟹籽蛋捲 $128見到都知幾足料啦!蛋白質餐單之選!香芋冰沙 $68草莓乳酪梳打 $48飲品望落都好吸引,我杯乳酪梳打幾好酸酸甜甜,店員仲提我搞均自飲,好貼心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-23
同朋友行開旺角, 見到呢間餐廳專食韓國野, 而且午市有7折 環境唔錯 就試下🔹驚喜二重奏有沙律開下胃, 再有鐵板燒牛扒, 侍應即時提醒小心熱,同埋要趕快翻一翻牛, 否則好易燒到overcook, 有夠細心🫶🏻個牛都好厚身, 再加埋個醬, 好好味🤤仲有幾件炸雞, 炸雞就算擺左一陣, 裡面都意外地仲係咁熱, 熱到出煙, 雞好新鮮, 好幼嫩🥰🔹陸軍醬油湯鍋 (牛肉)勁多配料既鍋, 有冬菇,金菇,蘿蔔,火腿,煙肉,菜,肥牛,仲另上一包韓國面, 係勁足料!佢地既醬油湯底係勁索味!侍應好細心一早已比定碗仔for湯太多溢出時, 可以舀出黎🤗🔹火灸牛服務員一端上牛時, 仲即時用火槍燒下牛既表面, 令到牛既表面更脆口, 咬落口又好軟身, 加上配埋佢地獨特既汁, 超出色😍🥤百香果水果茶點左呢瓶約0.9L水果茶, 兩個人share飲剛好, 裡面仲有橙, 青檸🍋‍🟩吊味, 勁清新同解渴,飲到停唔到口👍🥤蜜瓜雪冰賣相好靚既雪冰, 外層鋪滿左蜜瓜, 好新鮮又甜, 仲有支蜜瓜雪條🤗🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-20
韓迷經常飛韓國喺香港通常都會食呢間約喺旺角大家都方便中午時間有折扣星期一至五都有七折午市連星期六日都有九折最鍾意呢度除咗韓式炸雞之外,仲有牛排、部隊鍋及韓式小食,就算朋友唔食辣都有好多選擇,服務員有禮貌,整體用餐體驗都唔錯,幾適合一大班朋友聚會✨大邱辣醬無骨雞✨蜜味乳酪粉無骨雞重點係炸雞係由韓國空運到港,而且用上獨門的方式醃製,外皮真的非常酥脆,而且份量好多,而且啖啖肉好滿足,比起平時適當的炸雞肉質更嫩,推薦!兩款無骨雞各有特色,因為要顧及唔食辣嘅朋友,乳酪粉無骨雞就最適合不過,甜甜地雞肉又夠滑幾好食白切五花腩作為無肉不歡的食肉獸,五花腩肉質幾軟腍用生菜包住 仲可以加埋韓式辣醬香辣芝士八爪魚芝士超澎湃量足,沒想到加上了芝士就沒有那麼辣了巨蜂乳酸梳打甜甜顏值高!口感都好清爽,唔飲酒就會揀梳打—————————————————Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (旺角)旺角西洋菜街1號兆萬中心11樓—————————————————⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodporn #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodpic #hkfoodies #yum #hkfoodstagram #foodie #foodphotography #foodgasm #lunch #旺角美食 #韓式炸雞 #韓國餐廳 @yadlliehongkong #yadllieplatehk ___🥇Follow @eathkgirls # eathkgirls continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間韓國菜餐廳hit左好耐~今次終於有機會食再啦😌😌8點幾嚟到依然仲係座無虛席,我哋都要等一等位先可以入到去😝😝🥢火灸牛 $98牛肉經過火槍烤過後有一陣獨特既炭燒風味😚😚仍然保持住香嫩多汁,真係超yummy🥹🥢芝士辣炒雞 $128好耐乂食過辣炒雞,呢到既辣炒雞同韓國一樣正宗😍😍滿滿既芝士鋪左係辣雞上面,等芝士請遇熱溶解之後,店員就會幫手翻炒,令到每一舊雞都有滿滿既芝士絲☺️🥢半半炸雞 $208半半炸雞就叫左大蔥絲炸雞同埋蜜味乳酪粉炸雞🍗2款雞經過炸製後,變成外酥內嫩,帶有金黃的酥脆外皮,內部保持多汁的口感😌😌大蔥既絲狀仲添加左唔少額外既口感,而蜜味乳酪粉炸雞外皮則有著一層甜蜜既風味,食落一啲都唔油膩😉🥢卡邦尼年糕 $108年糕口感綿密,Q彈之餘仲有嚼勁😍😍配搭住卡邦尼醬汁,真係好入味☺️☺️🥢芝士牛肉煎餅 $128平時都係食開泡菜煎餅,今次就試吓呢個芝士牛肉煎餅啦😍😍咬入口好大嘅芝士味😝😝外皮好酥脆,內裡仲有好多牛肉🥹🥹充滿層次感,超級好食!☺️☺️🍹海鹽焦糖沙冰 $68 🍻藍橙荔枝梳打 $48 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)