Restaurant: Victorian Era (Pak Shing Building)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
2-min walk from Exit A, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
27368368 (接聽訂座時間14:00-18:00)
65657888 (WhatsApp)
Carefully selects high-quality ingredients from all over the world. We use flowers to be one of the ingredients in our dishes, fresh fragrance and elegance as the introduction, and the bottom of the pot for health and beauty as the main axis. It integrates the unique Chinese and foreign fashion culture of Hong Kong in the 1950s into various dishes. Every guest who travels through time and space to Victorian Era can taste the unique feelings of old Hong Kong from the essence of the ingredients, and experience a brand-new eating process. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
*1100-1230(早市) 1230-1400(午市) 1400-1600(下午茶) 1730-2300(晚市)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay Tap & Go, FPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Victorian Era (Pak Shing Building)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (468)
想去特色火鍋店影相打卡📸同時又嘆到高質食材😋推薦華麗打卡火鍋店✨香江花月✨仲有Team Lab波波鏡室,令人好似置身時光隧道咁,夠哂夢幻💗🔹秘製花雕豬肚鍋新鮮爽滑豬肚加入秘製花雕酒,仲有枝竹、紅棗、桂圓、胡椒、咸菜等等,食材非常豐富,湯底香濃,暖胃一流🤟🏻🔹花滿園用以雀籠擺盤呈上,賣相相當精緻,有齊兩款肉類,包括砌成玫瑰花形狀嘅豬肉片,肉味豐富、帶筋又富有油脂;以及肉質鮮嫩無臊味嘅羊肉片。🔹中山脆鯇淨腩肉質結實彈牙,爽脆鮮香,滿滿膠原蛋白,啱晒女士們。🔹鮮淮山件滿滿纖維又粉糯,性甘味平,有滋補脾胃之用。🔹香滑豆腐嫩滑豆腐豆味香濃,口感細緻清香,含豐富蛋白質。🔹農場走地雞件走地雞肉幼滑鮮嫩又多汁,肉質緊緻結實,脂肪比一般雞低,健康又滋味。🔹龍口粉絲耐煮唔易斷,索滿豬肚湯汁精華,入口順滑爽口。🔹姬松茸野菌餃野菌再加入姬松茸,味道特別清香,餃子皮厚薄適中,食落鮮香,風味獨特。🔹鹹蛋黃墨魚丸爽口彈牙大大粒,於新鮮墨魚丸中加入鹹蛋黃粒,鹹香之餘亦帶鮮。🔹噴汁貢丸香Q多汁又彈牙,肉質相對結實唔會滿口肥肉,咬開仲會爆漿噴汁,有驚喜。🔹即炸魚片頭即叫即炸熱辣辣上枱,以新鮮魚肉製成,外皮炸至金黃色,咬開厚實彈牙,甘香又可口。🔹皇帝菜食到尾聲食返啲菜平衡下~皇帝菜新鮮脆綠無苦味,秋冬季滋補養生一流。🔹竹蔗茅根打邊爐叫返酌竹蔗茅根就啱晒,味道清甜,可口,更有助利尿祛濕、清熱解毒。香江花月✨📍佐敦佐敦道35號百誠大廈2樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這間一直好想試又非常full house嘅火鍋店😍終於訂到枱,生日月就是想不停食美食🥰🥰.香江花月裝修好華麗,有懷舊香港感但每卡位都係十分舒適!.餐牌內有好多特色湯底😁,我哋就叫了 玫瑰牛奶鍋食完變靚又滑溜!.太極兩儀:紅酒安格斯牛肉 + 黑松露牛乳豬肉片,可以一次過試到兩款不同口味的肉類👍 兩款肉都品質好、味道又特出,不用點醬都好夠味!.七彩餃子🥟:精緻七種顏色餃子,除了外貌不同,餡料也不同,包括:冬菇豬肉、蝦肉、魚肉等等.七色丸:最啱貪新鮮嘅我哋,人少少都可試到不同款嘅丸子,包括:芝士蝦、黑松露、鹹蛋黃!.一帆風順:秋葵蟹籽墨魚滑,秋葵釀上墨魚滑,煮完外爽口內彈牙!.火鍋點心:大開眼界!點心也可邊爐!.不少得點菜,花花綠綠又是必點之選,大大盤新鮮蔬菜,起碼都有8款以上!.這裡的飲品是精品,不只味道好,外貌也賞心悅目!.花月豪庭飲品是藍莓、蘋果加北海道牛乳杯上砌滿鮮味的生果和放了一件焦糖蛋糕,又是飲品又是甜品!.奇幻歷險奇異果、豆奶、忌廉梳打調製而成上枱前加上一個大波波,好特別😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-05
今晚同朋友去左佐敦一間好有特色火鍋店食晚餐,一行入大堂就見到以50-60年代懷舊華人洋行為題既裝潢,甫進門內裡充滿懷舊氣息氛圍,有當年盛行既紅色大郵筒、巨型抽獎輪、收銀機及留聲機等,另一邊廂仲有個七彩繽紛既汽泡時光玻璃隧道,非常夢幻,雖然唔係啲個年代出生,但絕對令大家可以感受到香港的獨有情懷。參觀完餐廳環境,首先坐低點左兩杯特色飲品,一杯名叫『花月豪庭』,另一杯叫『琥珀誘惑』,兩杯飲品一上場已經好驚喜,因為外形好靚好吸晴,唔捨得飲落肚,『花月豪庭』主要藍莓加蘋果做果汁底,再加入北海道牛奶,口感香濃幼滑,再加上燒過少少焦糖脆口、內裡軟綿綿既綿花糖蛋糕,外面再加左新鮮蜜瓜同奇異果伴碟,而『琥珀誘惑』主要以番石榴做果汁底,再加入新鮮奇異果、橙汁、菠蘿汁調製而成,口感清新怡人,再加上華麗玫瑰花造型,絕對賞心悅目。火鍋湯底揀左『美顏花膠雞鍋』,湯中有半隻新鮮黃油雞、新鮮冬菇、杞子及蟲草等做湯底,味道鮮味濃郁,再加上原條粗身花膠筒,非常養顏,女士滋保養生之選。火鍋料我地就揀左幾款精緻既,當中肉類選左名為『花滿園』分別係黑豚肉片同羊肉片,肉質粉嫩新鮮,加埋浸左花膠雞湯後入口肉味香濃,當中用肉卷成玫瑰花形用玻璃層碟盛載,感覺衛生大氣。第二款就係『七色丸』,主要係由七種唔同口味手打而成肉丸,包括:芝士蝦丸、鹹蛋黃、青咖哩、紅咖哩、南乳及椰芋等,肉丸爽口彈牙,顏色鮮艷,直得一試。第三款係『一帆風順』秋葵蟹籽墨魚滑,造型似足一艘帆船,秋葵新鮮翠綠,蟹籽墨魚滑有香濃墨魚味,另外一款值得推介係『皮蛋蝦滑』,雖然看似簡單,另配左半個皮蛋加小小芝麻,可以親自手攪混合成蝦膠,蝦滑爽口有鮮蝦味,皮蛋香口,滾起入口味道恰到好處。另外柯打左炸魚皮,香脆可口。總結:餐廳裝修華麗有特色,環境清潔舒適,食物質素亦好好,睇得出所有野都好用心設計,聚會打卡絕對一流選擇,值得推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「香江花月」真的是很適合聚會聊天的好去處,環境寬敞,交通方便,一班朋友一邊吃火鍋一邊聊天,如果興致所至還可以復古華麗古典風格打卡,懷舊一下老香港,花膠雞湯湯底濃濃,花膠也很多,一個華人塔里包括海鮮配料有鮮蝦鮑魚蟹豬肉牛肉等 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-18
周末逛佐敦,午膳不知吃什麼,睇睇 open rice, 發現有間叫"香江花月的食肆", 名字挺好聽,立即按入去訂位!到後發懷舊的裝飾,環境寬敞,服務態度好好,食物質素ok, 值得推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)