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由資深埃及主廚帶領團隊,炮製高質且定價合理的黎巴嫩菜;裝潢以藍色、黃色為主調,配合民族風咕𠱸、花飾等佈置,打卡充滿特色。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 22:30
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食評 (86)
今次初嚐黎巴嫩菜🇱🇧😍到訪位於尖沙咀山林道既一間餐廳同朋友食晚飯👭入到去被餐廳既環境佈置所吸引🤩天花板垂吊住色彩繽紛既花草,超美!!有種世外桃源既感覺😚另外,餐廳亦用左阿拉伯式吊燈、牆身以黃藍相間,充滿民族風情,異國氣氛濃厚✨✨好喜歡呢度既環境設計🥰令人可以放鬆住咁用餐!因為第一次食黎巴嫩菜,一開頭對食咩冇咩頭緒~後來店員過來介紹一下食物,感覺到服務態度熱情❤️❥ Chicken Fatteh 雞肉乳酪飯 $168將雞肉同乳酪醬淋上白飯上,再混合松子仁、原粒鷹咀豆同自家製脆片,每啖飯都帶有微酸感,食落有咬口,夠晒開胃!❥ Lebanese Style Chicken Roll 黎巴嫩雞肉卷 $188有驚喜😚雞肉卷裡面包住黎巴嫩飯🍚雞肉十分軟嫩,內裡既飯有少少似糯米卷,有種黏糯既感覺,經過調味後好香口入味✨❥ Lebanese French Toast with Brioche 黎巴嫩法式多士 $98多士外脆內軟,加左椰棗蓉甜汁,另外再灑上開心果碎同藍莓🫐,賣相好靚,食落有層次感,味道唔會太甜! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-01-10
2494 瀏覽
📌 RUE DU LIBAN - 尖沙咀山林道22-26號地下A號舖🗓(10/1) 星期三 ⏰ 晚上7點左右💈特式:今日同朋友出尖沙咀食飯,佢問我有無試過黎巴嫩菜,我就完全未接觸過,但知道黎巴嫩菜屬於中東菜系,講求「純凈」為主,所有烹調的材料和調味料都以新鮮為前提,所以我都抱住呢個新鮮嘅感覺去試一試。🥩🍔🌭🌮🥗🥯🥘🍲🍝🍣🥟🍤🍱食物:黎巴嫩菜除左主打蔬菜外,肉類則首選羊肉,因為羊是素食動物,而且只吃乾凈的青草,所以黎巴嫩人認為羊是最潔凈的動物,而家等我同大家講下🇱🇧🐐味道先。🐐Kibben羊肉炸球 $1️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ - 呢個炸球外型好可愛,尖頭尖尾成粒番薯咁,外層炸得好脆但唔油,切開仲有肉汁流出,入面就係碎羊肉同大量香料,口味香濃,配埋個清新微酸嘅醬汁,正好同d香料好好中和。🐐Lamb Kofta烤羊肉串 $1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ - 佢地嘅阿拉伯烤羊肉串有兩款,一款係用羊肉粒,另一款就係用免治羊肉條,店員推介可以試下免治羊肉條,因為餐廳會係羊肉加入香料,味道會更加豐富。上枱會有半塊薄餅皮係底,配料就有青紅椒同洋蔥,將所有野卷埋一齊嚟食,感覺好夾,如果鐘意的話仲可以加埋芝麻醬嚟食。🐥Lebanese Style Chicken Roll黎巴嫩雞肉卷 $1️⃣8️⃣8️⃣ - 呢個雞肉卷同個名一樣,真係好嫩,雞卷內包住大米,鷹嘴豆同其他香料,感覺有d似中式嘅八寶鴨,醬汁就配以蕃茄他他,整體感覺豐富又唔油膩。🍞Lebanese French Toast with Brioche黎巴嫩法式多士 $9️⃣8️⃣ - 估唔到黎巴嫩都有西多士,不過佢呢個西多士真係非常之特別,佢用兩片極厚多士,中間夾住奶酪醬,表面再有一層紅豆蓉同開心果碎,口感豐富之餘又互補。紅豆蓉嘅香甜;奶酪醬嘅咸香;厚多士嘅鬆軟;開心果碎嘅脆口;全部集於一身。☕️🍵🥤🧋🍺🍷🥃🍹🧉🍾🍶🥛飲品 : 因為餐廳有一個bar枱位,所以飲品有好大量嘅酒類選擇,如果唔飲酒仲會有特飲/奶昔/果汁/花茶等選擇,我地就叫左一壼花茶,飲落好香薄荷味,比較清新開胃同消滯,使用嘅器皿亦好典雅。🍽環境:餐廳環境真係令人眼前一亮,餐廳裝潢以黃藍做主色,天花倒掛了大量五彩繽紛嘅花草,恍如置身花海森林一樣,令人心情都覺得好放鬆舒服。🤵🏻🤵🏻‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️服務:店員態度非常好,十分有禮貌,見我地未食過黎巴嫩菜,都十分細心介紹餐廳食物嘅特色,而且職員仲話餐廳不定時(通常星期五六)會有傳統肚皮舞表演。💰💸價錢:今日叫左1個前菜,2個主菜,仲有甜品及飲品,埋單都係$6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣左右,以第一次食黎巴嫩菜,再加上咁無敵嘅環境,價錢都實係抵食。🐲💬總結:我對今晚呢餐黎巴嫩菜十分滿意,包括食物質素/環境/服務都唔錯,尤其是個環境,真係好靚,完全適合鐘意打卡嘅朋友。推薦指數:❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 繼續閱讀
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尖沙咀山林道出名多嘢食😋,今晚行過睇吓有咩好食,原來幾個月前開咗間新嘅黎巴嫩菜,門口藍色裝修好sharp,都幾靚🥰入去試吓先:侍應熱情招呼我們坐下,餐廳環境好靚適合打卡📸,門口有酒吧🥂座位,天花用好多七彩繽紛顏色嘅花做佈置,卡位牆身裝飾特別,好有黎巴嫩花園感覺,係一間完美花海🌺🌸🌼森林🌳系異國風情打卡餐廳📸另外餐廳會不定時舉行肚皮舞表演 💃🏼侍應為客人介紹食物,原來呢度嘅主廚係海外Sheraton酒店主廚👨‍🍳,餐廳價錢合理,食物質素有保證😍,食環境加牌頭,絕對超值👍🏻🔸Moutable 🍆煙燻茄子🍆蓉、中東芝麻醬、橄欖🫒油,把醬料混和茄子🍆蓉食用,更凸出茄子的香味,茄子蓉味道濃郁,質地綿香幼滑,配上即場烤焗自家製傳統扁麵包🫓及脆片食(加$10可以再加麵包一客)🔸Grilled Halloumi Cheese🧀烤哈羅米芝士🧀,無花果及石榴糖蜜、香烤芝士🧀配小蕃茄🍅,芝士好有咸香味道,經過香烤味道更濃,配搭好夾吾膩👍🏻🔸Lamb KoftaKofta 係指用羊肉碎、洋蔥🧅、香菜、香料混和的小肉餅,香料混和羊肉好惹味,燒烤過嘅羊肉餅好香口,並沒有臊味,還有其他配菜包括紫洋蔥及青紅辣椒,Kofta 下有塊薄餅可以夾着一齊吃😍🔸Beef Short Ribs做得非常出色嘅地中海慢燉牛肋骨,牛肋骨經低溫烹煮數小時,輕輕切開,一絲絲嘅肉質非常淋軟,又夠入味,還配上蔬菜及薯蓉,好美味😋😋🔸Arabic Mint Tea🍵好特別嘅茶壺🫖及茶杯,金光閃閃,好有異國風情feel,茶味香醇,解除食物嘅油膩👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-06
1946 瀏覽
位於尖沙咀山林道「Rue Du Liban」充滿異國色彩黎巴嫩浪漫餐廳,藏身夢幻花海之中,環境一絕,餐廳各處都能成為打卡位,管理團隊有數十年資深大型餐飲餐廳管理經驗,主廚功力更深厚,擁有超過40年專業的烹飪資歴,多年來曾在中東多家頂級酒店,擅長炮製地中海菜及黎巴嫩等各地美食 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌮▪️Truffle Hummus 松露鷹嘴豆蓉 $ 92黎巴嫩餐廳一定要食嘅就係鷹嘴豆蓉,這𥚃提供多款鷹嘴豆蓉款式可供選擇,拌上來自黎巴嫩優質橄欖油,配即做即烤的自家製傳統扁麵包及脆片,混合鷹嘴豆蓉、中東芝麻醬、檸檬汁及松露的松露鷹嘴豆蓉,最傳統的美味🌯▪️Lebanese Style Chicken Roll 黎巴嫩雞肉卷 $ 188店舖推介人氣黎巴嫩飯,用雞胸肉卷住雜錦堅果和燉得軟腍的米飯,醬汁是濃香嘅鮮茄燒汁,雞肉嫩滑,而且非常入味,伴菜是鮮茄蓉和西蘭花,健康又美味🐮▪️Beef Kebab $ 198一上枱已經聞到超香嘅BBQ燒烤味,牛肉串外焦香內質Juicy 又軟腍,味道充滿黎巴嫩的香料味道,超級好味,沾上特製的乳酪醬,更有風味,伴菜的燒洋蔥、青椒、紅椒亦非常清甜🥪▪️Lebanese French Toast with Brioche $ 98黎巴嫩法式多士,外脆內軟多士淋上椰棗蓉上醬汁,多士中間部份是新鮮乳酪,再灑上開心果碎及水果,令多士添上多層香甜滋味,味到唔太甜非常美味🍷▪️Red Wine $ 98Chateau Musar Jeune Red 美食要配美酒,店員為我們介紹這隻葡萄味香濃的紅酒,配合紅肉就最啱 繼續閱讀
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This restaurant has been bookmarked for long, finally having a chance to spend my happy Friday night with my companions here.Restaurant was well designed with Mediterranean theme. In spite of the low ceiling which installed with some artificial flowers, you walked in surrounding with the Lebanese patterns wall paint and revitalising sofa seats. It was a brilliant cultural exposure. Staff was warming and understood the menu well. Friendly and approachable. Even during peak hours, staff still spent time to introduce signature dishes and explain the menu to each table. We ordered their hummus, spicy feta cheese dip, falafel, makanek, lamb okra stew and Lebanese style chicken roll. Hummus and spicy feta cheese dip were came with a basket of tortilla chips and pita pockets. Hummus as described by the staff, silky smooth chickpea purée with a drizzle of high quality olive oil. Love how they reached a perfect ratio of tahini and chickpea purée that could still taste a hint of nuttiness from the white sesame. Olive oil gave an extra richness while the fresh parsley brought a light earthiness. The couple whole chickpeas apart from giving some solid structure when garnishing a dip, but also something to nibble on. Spicy feta cheese dip was kind of a completely opposite spread. More on a lumpy texture while it was exactly how a whipped feta was. A mild tanginess came through while still taste a hint of saltiness. Love they mixed in with some dices of tomatoes which light up the whole dip which was supposedly rich. The freshly homemade pita pockets were cooked to textbook. No matter the shape, the colour, the texture and the signature inner pocket, I couldn't flaw at all. It was absolutely delicious. Soft and light with a hint of wheat taste coming through. Perfect to dip with or coat the pocket with the dips. Tortilla chips were crispy and savoury. Unstoppable bites until finishing everything. Moving on to the makanek. Staff claimed it was a homemade sausage dish that took plenty of time to create. It was a small bite size sausage. Spiced well that covered the lamb unique flavour. Not heavy at all. The pomegranate seeds and whipped yogurt or feta served were lightened this meaty strong flavour appetiser. Pomegranate seeds were juicy while the whipped creamy sauce lessen the rich meaty flavour. Goof job.Falafel was kind of a bit let down. It was in dark brown colour which in fact tasted a bit burnt. Love it was coated with white sesame for extra crunch. It could visually seen they mixed in so much herbs but sadly the burnt flavour overpowered the soice and herbs flavour.Lamb okra stew was served with vermicelli rice. Lamb was so tender. Again couldn't taste much of the lamb unique flavour while both okra and lamb absorbed all the flavour from the stew. Both were soft and explosion of the sauce when bite. Okra was in good size that neither too small nor too big. Stew was in tomato base which acidity remained. Vermicelli rice was on a dry side which paired well with stew. Lebanese style chicken roll was a dish stuffed with rice and served with tomato mashed and broccoli . Chicken was incredibly moist but still hold the rolled rice nicely. Rice was on a wet soft side but absorbed all the savouriness from the meat juice and broth. You might think it would be a heavy bite because of the meat and carbs, in fact an easy to eat deliciousness. Combining with the tomato purée, it was even tastier with acidity to add in. Of course I wouldn't leave without a proper dessert. I even ended with two desserts. Despite staff let us knew desserts took awhile, we didn't expect to wait for another 30 minutes. Anyway, we weren't in a rush.Lebanese French Toast with brioche was presented delightfully. Love they sprinkled with pistachio nibbles. Visually, beautifully presented. Absolutely love the cinnamon spiced. Not sure if I was right, it was topped with a raisin/ date paste which perfectly lightened up the buttery rich brioche french toast. Brioche was very soft that almost melted in your mouth while caramelised crust remained. Kunefe was a crispy phyllo shredded dessert that made by a hot sizzling pan. It wasn't presented in a hot pan but just from its golden yellow colour, the crispiness was promising. It was stuffed with cheese that gave a hint of saltiness while it was drizzled with syrup and mango pieces. Love the complex sugary taste from the syrup and the mango combining with the saltiness of the cheese. A dessert with pulling cheese, crispy crust and fruity sweetness. Really what a traditional Kunefe tasted. A restaurant that satisfied all your senses. Emerging yourself with Lebanese culture just by a meal. A very well organised thoughtful restaurant I have been. P.s. there was a belly dance performance on the Friday night I visited. 繼續閱讀
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