Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:15
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:15
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
各式上海小菜 雲吞雞 蟮糊
Review (92)
已經有好多年歷史既上海菜小店,每次經過香港仔舊大街,都望住師傅整緊小籠包。最近依2年重新裝修,外觀同環境都變得光鮮整潔。間中都會幫襯。店鋪唔大,有約30個位,好多街坊都會黎食晚飯。以家庭式小店黎講,菜式同餐點選擇好多元化,小炒鑊氣夠,包點即叫即整,而且上菜速度都好快👍🏽。銀芽韭王炒鱔糊 $124鱔條肥美爽脆,份量足,同銀芽韭王一齊炒好惹味😋,唔會過咸,係全餐冠軍😆👍🏽。上海回鍋肉$88微辣又惹味的一道餸,有住豆醬的香氣,同椰菜、西椒、豆干配搭炒,好啱送飯食。酸辣湯(例)$80酸辣湯配料好多,有齊豬紅、木耳絲、豆腐、筍絲、蛋花,味道微酸微辣,淡淡豆瓣醬香,飲完好滿足又暖身志。三鮮炒年糕$75三鮮以雞肉、火腿、蝦仁,配以大小白菜炒年糕,年糕軟硬度適中,黏糯口感,味道簡單清新。灌湯小籠包(5隻)$36肉汁滿滿,皮厚左少少菜肉雲吞(8粒)$54多肉少菜的餡料,配上簡單豉油湯底 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-03
We stumbled upon this restaurant after a hike from Aberdeen Reservoir on a Sunday afternoon. Outside the window you can see two chefs making dumplings! The staff were sharing fruits amongst each other so it seems like they are a big loving family! Upon being seated we were offered free hot tea, the menu looked very big for a small restaurant that properly seats 40ish pax! We order our usual Shanghainese favourites, including 小籠包,鍋貼,蒸素餃,饅頭,排骨麵,lastly, we ordered a 砂鍋津白.The flavour of the xiao long bao was great but lacks some soup! Steam dumplings were very nice with strong flavours of sesame oil! Fried dumplings, steamed/fried bun was a big hit with the kids! The fried pork was juicy and golden! And lastly the soup pot was so very big with a lot of meat/ham/chicken gizzards, I think it was definitely value for money, the soup tasted nice, the meat inside was a bit bland, maybe its 湯渣 that we are not suppose to eat?!?! 😌Also, we had a home made soy drink that was very refreshing and delicious! Just one small thing, the vinegar was a bit bland… We enjoyed our lunch here and the service was great! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-12
上星期去左呢間食晏, 上海菜一直係我至愛! 屬小店經營坐位唔多但都坐得舒服!客飯有廿幾款, 我叫左回鍋肉客菜飯, 起菜較慢但味道唔錯, 可惜菜飯好似未熟透!六十幾蚊食晏唔算平但勝在冷氣充足, 坐位唔會太迫, 都算合格。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-10
今日媽咪生日話想食上海野,就黎咗呢間近近地嘅餐廳。我哋三人揀咗四人套餐,再加一客鍋貼。食物方面只有兩個字就係鹹同油。小籠包係跟餐嘅,不過可惜一食就見到仲係紅紅地,有少少唔熟,所以要求更換。飯係要另外加錢先有,其實佢哋係唔係唔明套餐嘅意思。食到差唔多最後鍋貼仲未到,比起種種嘅缺點,漏單彷彿已經唔算甚麼。最後重點係明明餐牌寫全日免加一茶芥,最後都係要計錢。二人$7,四人$14,我哋三人都係要俾$14。其實服務方面有個年紀大啲嘅姐姐都幾nice,係個帶帽後生啲嘅女人態度衰。光顧得嘅都係客,唔需要太好服務,但基本對答嘅禮貌都唔該俾少少。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-25
首先是味道一般的問題。上海菜作為一種中國傳統菜系,有著獨特的風味和口感,在制作和烹調上也有著獨特之處。如果餐廳的上海菜味道一般,那麼就需要餐廳加強菜品的烹調技巧和配料的選擇,讓菜品更加美味。價格太貴的問題。價格的高低取決於多個因素,包括菜品的種類、質量、製作難度、地理位置等等。如果餐廳的價格太貴,那麼就需要考慮是否物有所值,是否符合菜品的品質和烹調水平。總體來說,如果餐廳的上海菜味道一般且價格太貴,那麼就需要餐廳改進菜品的烹調技巧和配料的選擇,讓菜品更加美味,同時也需要考慮價格是否合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)