Located in Tuen Mun, it is a small shop that specializes in Udon and Coffee. The owner has been engaged in the coffee industry for more than ten years, and has won awards in many coffee competitions in Hong Kong, and holds various certificates. Make use of a variety of Japanese ingredients to cook unique soup bases, and the umami of the soup will change the flavor of the coffee and give diners a brand new experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 18:00
Wed - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (306)
Level4 2024-04-22
黎到屯門這間特色拉麵店它以「鮮味x珈琲」為主題是一間創新及有理念的小店🫶🏻裝修和餐具都好獨特Feel到店主的用心😊點餐前店員會用心講解包括介紹拉麵店的概念和食物的配搭及特別之處我和朋友叫左套餐拉麵+昭和風硬布丁+冷萃珈琲 店員教先飲一啖咖啡☕️再飲一啖拉麵湯底再飲返一啖咖啡個味道真係會唔同左更鮮明更有層次個體驗好特別😍⭐️冷萃珈琲☕️咖啡由三種不同產地的咖啡豆混合調配而成帶花香為主再加一點果香味道層次好鮮明😃入口溫和👍🏻唔會苦澀⭐️拉麵🍜拉麵可選黑、白醬油或者貝汁湯底濃郁而且有唔同的配料味道好得😆黑白醬油各有千秋黑醬會比較濃味白醬比較鮮味⭐️麵條軟硬適中口感彈牙😋叉燒味道夠惹味而且夠大塊好有誠意👍🏻夠飽肚⭐️昭和風硬布丁🍮布丁蛋香味濃郁入口軟滑口感有蛋糕feel加埋焦糖的味道 好好味😍⭐️Oreo 巴斯克蛋糕巴斯克芝士味好出配埋orea味兩者好夾蛋糕口感超滑🥳好味到馬上外賣一件返屋企食✌🏻非常之欣賞小店的用心❤️加上佢有唔少的自家品牌自製服飾唔錯依間店絕對值得encore🤘🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-19
終於有機會試到呢間又創意又用心嘅小店,一入到鋪見到個裝修就知道店主係好有個人風格,因為第一次幫襯,店主都會親自解釋點樣落單同佢哋嘅理念同街頭文化入到黎店主都會問你需唔需要要飲咖啡,因為飲咖啡個Menu會唔同😂湯底一共有三款-<天>·<地>·<海>🍜咁今次就揀咗<地>(豚骨湯)<海>(海蝦湯)<地>(豚骨湯) $95湯底係用上大量豚筒骨同肉熬成,仲配合魚介及大量蔬果,飲一啖真係好濃郁豚肉鮮甜味,望到好似好油咁但飲落油膩感好低,而拉麵好掛湯,個口腔充滿濃郁豚骨香🤤<海>(海蝦湯)$95湯底用上不同種類嘅蝦膏蝦殼熬成,仲配合魚介及大量蔬果,飲一啖好濃郁嘅蝦香鮮味湧出來,真係嘩一聲,濃郁而不油膩,個拉麵仲掛晒湯,蝦味極度濃郁,十分推介🤤惡套餐 (冷萃咖啡+昭和風硬布丁) $70先飲一啖咖啡,再飲一啖湯底同飲一啖咖啡,令到個咖啡更有層次同味道鮮明,淡淡嘅果香,真係好神奇嘅體驗☕️個布丁同出邊好唔同,蛋香味好濃郁,原來因為佢係模仿昭和時代嘅全蛋布丁,店主用日本蛋加cream cheese,識落好似蛋糕但又好creamy,加上微微焦苦既焦糖中和返甜度,香滑配合一流🍮總括嚟講,今次嘅crossover體驗10分有驚喜,又體驗到店主嘅用心,同日本既街頭文化,食嘢之餘又學到野 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-21
【屯門區】【頂立】聽呢間餐廳個名會諗起三國鼎立嘅時期,但係睇埋係個頂字,就即刻聯想到頂天立地,係浩然正氣嘅感覺。果然喺門口就見到餐廳規則,當中睇得出店家好重視店員嘅餐牌介紹同埋顧客成個用餐體驗嘅節奏,就入去試吓佢。我哋都係叫加 $70 嘅「惡套裝」套餐,有甜品同嘢飲。主食方面我同事皮蛋哥試咗 $95 嘅「頂立雞白湯」拉麵,湯底係全雞製作,分別用咗法國黃油雞同鹿兒島若雞,冇落任何 cream,食到佢狀甚享受咁,我就知道鮮甜惹味啦。我就試 $95 嘅「頂立豚骨湯」,係用豚脊骨同日本北海道豬手起肉,勁嫩滑囉咩事。個白湯就用咗大量豚筒骨同埋肉,濃厚鮮甜,我都喪飲。我哋都有加 $18 試「溏心蛋」同加 $16 試「燒竹輪」,兩者都好味,無損拉麵味道。而享用食物期間,我哋都不忘嘆套餐包嘅「冷萃咖啡」,係洪都拉斯嘅 geisha 嚟。頭段係帶花香,中段帶啲提子味,尾段似龍井茶,少少 dry 嘅感覺,層次好鮮明。甜品係「昭和風硬布丁」同「巴西蛋糕」,兩者係各有千秋。先食前者,模仿日本昭和時代流行嘅全蛋布丁,比起牛奶布丁質感更厚實,蛋香味較濃。店家用日本曉雞蛋加 cream cheese 落去,口感甚至少少似蛋糕。焦糖就特登再雪,除咗甜味仲突顯到焦香嘅味道,燶燶哋、苦苦哋咁。而後者嚟講,店員話已經係「第三代巴西蛋糕」,由就咁焗轉咗用蒸焗嘅方法,令我哋食落嗰陣係真係似就融嘅雪糕,而第三代師傅仲加咗奶酥入去,再香啲。連加一每人 $219,係味蕾嘅享受嚟,食到店家對好嘅用餐體驗嘅追求。。。(地址:屯門井財街9號錦發大廈地下20B號舖)@damn_lab_tm@damn.hk.office#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #delicious #foodies #tasty #globaleats #tastyfood #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am屯門區 #屯門 #頂立 #虹橋美食 #頂立雞白湯 #頂立豚骨湯 #惡套裝 #冷萃咖啡 #coldbrew #geisha #昭和風硬布丁 #巴西蛋糕 #1am1301 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
屯門紅橋是不少美食小店集中地,原來有間拉麵店靜靜駐守入內,日式門面掛上大紅燈籠🏮店外放着大板子,列出規條讓客人入座前細閱、入座後再聽一輪解說,了解當中概念和食法才點餐一口珈啡,一口湯麵,交替進食冷萃珈啡豆來自危地馬拉、埃塞俄比亞及印尼,三款混合,未飲已經聞到花香味,味道甘醇順口並帶有淡淡果香甜酸味小店只有三款湯 🍜 以天、地、海為名,貴精不貴多;天以全雞入湯製、地以大量豚筒骨和肉熬製,配以魚介同大量蔬果烹調出濃厚的鮮甜白湯;而海就以不同種類蝦殼和蝦膏配以魚介同大量蔬果爆發簡單直接的海中鮮味👧🏽 選擇了海·頂立海蝦湯🦞頭湯鮮味濃郁,絕對足料用蝦熬製,味道愈飲愈濃烈。再喝一口珈琲,甜酸層次更突出!第一口酸度和苦明顯降低,入口甘甜柔和,女孩子應該會十分喜歡這種味道 🩷👦🏻 則選擇了地·頂立豚骨湯 🐽 萃取出骨頭內的精華,使其擁有獨特且濃厚的香氣,每口湯都充滿濃厚油脂味道,不經不覺會把湯喝光。今次再來一口珈琲,抑壓已久的酸味爆炸性湧出,味道慢慢淡下來後再讓人有種回甘的滋味頂立麵,爽彈掛湯;昆布、萬能蔥、紅椒絲、金木犀和鹿兒島慢煮雞,簡單配料不會喧賓奪主手工甜品也令人大感驚喜,昭和風硬布丁 🍮 店家用上日本「曉」雞蛋,偏挺身,口感順滑蛋味濃,焦糖醬味道帶點微苦,味覺衝擊但甜與苦此刻卻又十分匹配。提拉米蘇 🍫 用上冧酒、百利甜酒、自家製冷萃珈琲等即叫即製,酒味偏重還吃得到餅乾的口感。謎之限番甜點:提子冧酒巴斯克蛋糕 🍇 口感軟綿細密,入口散發濃烈冧酒香味,每粒提子乾都滲出酒香,幸好最後加單來一客!今次拜訪的確新奇有趣,珈琲食法提鮮,同一杯珈琲因不同風味呈現不同變化,這種感知令人大開眼界,店家們的用心值得讓更多人認識和了解。從裝修設計都知道店家們是熱愛日本文化,並自家製推出限定產品,今年是「頂立」成立兩周年,以日本漫畫《阿基拉》作主題創作,只要穿著自家品牌 Tee 可以獨享會員優惠 🥳 詳情可參閱店鋪公告* continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This small ramen restaurant with only several seats, is located at 虹橋, edge of the Tuen Mun city center. At the frontdoor, you will first see detailed rules for noticing their customer that this is not a place for a quick meal, but to enjoy a complete experience.---The owers, who have coffee brewing background along, noticed the way that coffee can bring out the Umami from ramen and then want to spread this new concepts among the world. However, as I can't handle caffeine well, I just sticked to the normal menu and focus on trying their ramen.---▪️🍜 地。頂立豚背脂豚骨湯 $95I picked the pork bone broth ramen since it's the special kind that added pig's back fat pieces into the soup. This results in a "creamy" and flavorful soup. To make it more special, the ramen is topped with Osmanthus fragrans. It may seem weird to see this combination, but it turns out to make the soup less heavy tasting, and add a subtle floral flavor at the end. Ramen made in their own recipe had a good soup hanging characteristic and the sous vide chicken breast was tender and rich in its own umami.---▪️🍮 昭和風硬布丁 $35While it's a trend of making the photogenic shaky shaky pudding, owners here stick to the traditional one, which is more condensed and topped with burnt caramel with mild bitterness. Japanese egg with richer eggyolk flavor and cream cheese were used, so the pudding itself was absolutely flavorful and maintain a silky texture.---Had a really good experience there, since they not only serve good food, but tbe owner was really willing to share their journey of recipe development and willing to answer your every questions, which is hard to find such environment in the capitalism society in HK.---Taste: 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽/ 5Service: 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽/5Re-visit ? ✔️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)