11-min walk from Exit D, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
*最後落單時間 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (78)
Level3 2024-04-17
We were recommended this Vietnam restaurant, upon arrival on a Sunday 1pm, there was already a queue outside. Lucky the wait wasn’t too long. Appetisers and drinks, we ordered:Avocado 🥑 milkshake: the shake was delicious, silky smooth and great taste! Vietnamese coffee ☕️ : this was ok, next time I will order a drip drip coffee insteadRice paper rolls with Vietnamese sausage: very refreshing roll with nice fish sauce to compliment it! Jelly fish salad 🥗: loved this salad, it has great crunch texture and very well seasoned jellyfish!!! Bahn Mi 🥖 with roasted pork: the roasted pork had the perfect balance of fat vs meat, it was also very well marinated! The only thing was, I wished it had more butter and pate spread - this would have made the whole Bahn mi more flavourful! Mains: We ordered a raw beef pho for kids (so asked for well done) the soup was nice but a bit too much “herbs” for my liking… Haiphong crab roe vermicelli: the broth was absolutely delicious and aromatic! One of the favourites for the family! Vietnamese steamed rice rolls: this was my favourite dish, the rice roll was silky smooth and the fillings with minced pork and black fungus have it a really nice texture! Overall great lunch! There was still a queue outside when we left at 2pm!Staff was also super friendly! Will come back! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間係一間超級值得去完再去嘅餐廳🤓😙😙之前佢哋未搬舖嘅時候已經成日食🤣🤣而家搬咗舖之後舖位更加大同埋闊落🤓佢哋嘢食真心好食同埋入味🤣份量超級多 我覺得都對得住個價錢😂😂😂最鍾意食佢哋嘅沙嗲雞肉串 因為條味味都幾獨特 唔係周圍都食得到 仲有佢哋嘅越式脆春卷 個皮夠香夠薄 餡料豐富越式烤豬肉法包🥖 真心幾出色 因為個包烤得好香脆 啲豬肉調味都幾香 本身包已經係充滿澱粉質 所以我自己食完之後都覺得飽飽地..😂仲有其他好多嘢食都好好食 有機會再繼續介紹同埋佢哋啲嘢飲全部都好有特色唔似某啲越南餐廳剩係得乜鬼嘢凍檸茶凍檸水水飲😂😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-23
今晚光顧了土瓜灣北帝街的1986越南餐廳!獨食他們的招牌生牛肉湯河伴溫泉蛋及牛油炸雞翼!🐮招牌生牛肉湯河伴溫泉蛋 - 湯頭鮮香濃郁,河粉煮得剛好,牛肉柔軟滑嫩,加上配菜,與湯頭完美融合。加上溫泉蛋的濃郁順滑,帶來了豐富的口感和滿足感🌟🐔牛油炸雞翼 - 金黃酥脆,雞肉質嫩滑多汁美味!餐牌上有不同配搭的湯河,檬粉,法包等的選擇,獨食友善,其待下次光臨品嘗其他招牌菜式!🌟食評指數:8/10💁🏻‍♀️人均消費~HKD100🗺️ 地址:北帝街60號想睇更多餐廳分享,請like & follow @_jolly.foodie_#tstfood #tstjollyfoodie #JKHK continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-22
土瓜灣真係一個好多好西食嘅地方,我周不時都會係個頭搵野食,今次就來到位於北帝街嘅《1986地道越南餐廳》買外賣。越南菜係其中一樣喜歡嘅菜式,而呢到有齊曬生牛肉湯河,檬粉,法包同米紙卷等等傳統越南菜式。其實之前都幫襯過一次,食物高質,價格唔貴,外賣自取仲有八折,真係好抵食。~~~~~~~~~~~~食物介紹~~~~~~~~~~~~🤩海防蟹膏濃湯飯 (HKD 82)一打開蓋就香味十足,飲落有濃濃嘅蟹膏香味,倒埋個飯落去撈埋啲湯一齊食真係一流。調味無過份重手,因此保留到海鮮嘅鮮味,就算成碗湯飲曬都唔會好口渴。海鮮分量亦十足,有蝦,蟹肉,青口,越南肉丸等等。🤩越式家鄉粉卷 (HKD 66)越式粉卷有啲似我地所食開嘅蒸腸粉,但食法同餡料都係有啲唔同。粉卷餡主要係豬肉碎木耳碎(走左青),再伴上兩片札肉。同埋附上一碗蘸汁,入面有兩粒越式肉丸,俾你用來伴粉卷食,個汁味道有啲似甜辣醬,但多左魚露嘅味道。口感同腸粉有啲啲似,但更薄身。🤩青木瓜雞絲沙律 (HKD 46)青木瓜沙律係我其中一款喜愛嘅沙律,呢到嘅青木瓜沙律除左主角青木瓜同雞絲之外,仲有紅蘿蔔絲同札肉條。醬汁唔會太重味,剛好做到開胃調味之用,另外佢仲加入左花生碎去撈,食落口感豐富。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🇻🇳喜歡越南菜嘅朋友要來試下💰性格比十分高 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-25
之前喺澳洲好多時食越南野,因為好多越南人移民過來,所以都食過不少正宗越南野。今次又去北帝街搵食,見到呢間越南小店都幾多人,一於試下。喺澳洲時讀大學為左慳錢,成日食Banh mi,貪佢夠平又好味又夠飽今次難得見到,一定要嗌,烤豬肉片肥瘦適中,香茅味重,燒得乾身但不過硬,配上酸蘿蔔、青瓜、肝醬十分夾!法包十分脆但略嫌太脆,有d𠝹口建議可以不用對半切左再去烘,可先烘再切,保留一點包包軟熟口感更好!又嫌少少太乾,私心覺得可以學澳洲加少少蒜味美奶滋,就perfect蒸粉包好似腸粉!但口感較彈牙,覺得唔算太特別。佢個豬頸肉燒得香,油份已被燒得七七八八,所以不會過膩,檬粉好滑。但個魚露汁可以減少少甜多少少鹹味同酸味。仲叫左個蟹膏湯飯,湯都幾鮮,不過提議可以將飯同湯分開上唔會浸到d飯太淋,同加上食到最尾有點咸係幾滿意的一餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)