4-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Jo Jo Indian Cuisine is a traditional Indian restaurant that has been in Hong Kong since 1985. This restaurant specializes in serving delicious Indian dishes that use exotic spices and intense herbs. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Butter  Chicken
Garlic  Naan
Tandoori  Chicken
Signature Dishes
鐵板咖哩雞 Chicken Tikka Tandoori Lamb Chop Kashmiri lamb Roghan Josh Butter Chicken
Review (249)
Level4 2024-03-08
位於灣仔嘅呢間印度餐廳,好有印度文化獨特風味一入餐廳就會被熱情友好嘅服務同舒適環境所迎接。前菜送上脆薄片, 仲有薄荷同甜辣醬比我點Pani Puri好出名嘅印度小食, 以其獨特的味道和口感而聞名由脆薄的酥皮球包裹雞豆、薯蓉、洋蔥碎同香辣汁。倒入醬汁一口咬下去,脆爽同充滿酸辣風味samosa chana chat 醬汁咖喱角就係香辣嘅鷹嘴豆沙拉淋上香脆咖喱角既有酥脆外殼,又有鷹嘴豆柔軟同香辣調味。每一啖都帶出唔同味道同口感Chicken Tikka Masala雞肉經過烤製又香又嫩滑瑪沙拉嘅特色在於用咗多種香料組成嘅醬汁包括肉桂、綠豆蔻、黑胡椒同小茴香等呢啲組合帶嚟一種濃郁嘅辛香,令味道更加豐富醬汁中加咗yogurt,令味道更加creamy滑順咁惹味嘅主菜當然唔少得印度烤餅Amritsari Kulcha 洋蔥薯仔烤餅口感綿密味道好足Garlic Naan 好香嘅蒜蓉味兩款用嚟點醬汁或者就咁食都正餐廳多數以外國人同印度人為主, 可能比較地道侍應好NICE, 會主動推薦菜式, 又會教我地點食埋單兩位唔洗$450 已經好飽, 抵食好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-19
用餐日期:2024/02/18可用餐時段:12:00-14:30,2小時30分鐘用餐費用(每人):$180+1餐廳環境:環境整潔乾淨 冷氣足 室內不少座位 牆上有不少印度電影海報裝飾 檯與檯之間闊落 坐得舒服 服務:服務員服務態度好 收碟及時 沙律:有5款沙律菜+1款脆片+4款醬汁 沙律菜新鮮味道好 脆片不咸夠薄脆 醬汁橙/黑/綠的都味道好 辣醬汁偏咸不推薦 小食:自助餐期間有提供即製的任叫小食3款-Pani Puri脆炸薄圓球+Naan烤餅+Dosa多薩薄餅 3款中推薦Naan烤餅 第一轉是自助送上 有喜愛的可重叫1-Pani Puri脆炸薄圓球:圓球中間開了洞 放了用雞豆薯蓉洋蔥碎及香辣汁做的餡料 另放上一小杯薄荷汁+一小杯芒果調味醬汁給客人自添 這個薄圓球外皮偏硬實不夠薄脆 薄荷汁偏酸 整體味道一般 不推薦2-Naan烤餅:這是印度餐食中常見的主食 有多款味道選擇 選了蒜蓉味道 烤餅即製上檯時還是很熱 有4片 有1片烤過黑 烤餅香口不乾硬夠稔味道很好 適合和咖喱一齊食 推薦 烤餅如4片都沒烤黑更好 3-Dosa多薩薄餅:多薩是南印度的一種餅 用豆和米混合麵糊製成 米漿倒入平面的鍋子上 再用一根T字型的工具 將米漿快速的畫圓 攤成薄薄的一圈 等米漿逐漸變成棕色時 放些加了印度香料調味的馬鈴薯泥在裡面 最後將整個餅剷起成圓柱形或是三角形 這家的Dora做得很差 上檯時可見餅皮完全散開破裂 外觀極差 馬鈴薯泥餡料也調味不好 醬汁味道偏稀淡 整體味道差 不推薦 另廚師把薄餅煎得這麼失敗外觀極差下也直接讓服務員送上給客人是對客人很不專重的行為 是食物+服務最扣分的地方 希望店方改善熱食:有3款烤炸物+6款咖喱+1款番紅花黃飯烤炸物都夠熱味道不錯 咖喱不咸不辣味道不錯 有雞 羊 魚 菜 等 推薦羊肉咖喱+雜菜咖喱 番紅花黃飯也香口不乾硬 這家的自助區大部分食物餐名都是用印式英文 客人很難知道是什麼食物 如可用已翻譯好的英文餐名會令客人更明白自助餐區的食物資訊 希望店方改善甜品:有1款 Rasmalai 奶湯圓 這奶湯圓不算過甜味道好 推薦水果:有一款西瓜 味道正常鮮甜 推薦 西瓜如有去皮更好飲品:有多款熱/冷飲品選擇 選了Masala tea 這茶是一小壺送上 客人想飲時才自添 一小壺大約2杯多少少 茶味道香濃 推薦總結:因今天要去灣仔和朋友拜年 便來試這家印式自助餐 這家中午自助餐是12-14:30 星期一至五$158+1 星期六日$180+1 價錢在同類印式自助餐來說偏貴 這家環境舒適 服務員態度不錯 蒜蓉烤餅夠熱夠稔 咖哩不辣不咸味道不錯 masala tea好味 自助餐時間長可輕鬆進食 較適合不介意價錢偏貴喜愛印式自助餐的客人 如小食中的Dora多薩薄餅和Pani Puri脆炸薄圓球可做得好味會更吸引餐廳+自助餐資訊: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-28
是日跟友人的午膳,品嚐了一餐印度菜。話說原來此餐廳已屹立多年,小人竟然一直未有察覺它的存在。我們到埗時才知道有午餐自助餐,人均$200,還包一杯飲品,性價比不錯。呈現眼前的當然是各種不同的印度咖哩,例如Chicken Tikka、Chicken Masala、Paneer Butter Masala、Lamb Rogan Josh等等,各式各樣,應有盡有。走了一圈,拿了咖哩雞,咖哩羊,沙律菜及印度薄餅。咖哩味道應該正宗,濃郁芳香,加有各式香料,食得出不同的層次,辛辣程度亦各有所異。蒜蓉烤餅是另叫的,蒜蓉香氣非常滋味!而最有趣的是雖說是自助餐,店方居然有奉上的菜式:咖哩羊麵包、炸薯蓉和脆炸薄圓球。其中脆炸薄圓球是最好食的,圓球內有些雞豆、薯蓉、洋蔥碎等,淋些香辣汁及加些乳酪來吃,口感豐富到不得了!甜品是印度丸子;而西瓜則絕對能為整餐去除膩滯。飲品Mango Lassi勁濃重,近似奶昔的質感,飲完都飽了一半!啤酒要加$40,夠大杯夠清爽,配襯咖哩一流!好印度的風味,我們二人都食到捧腹而回,滿足至極點! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-15
Not having curry food for ages and decided to opt for Jo Jo Indian cuisine when I was offered a choice between Vietnamese and Indian cuisines.The restaurant is decorated with elements such as Indian paintings and movie posters that reflect the cultural heritage of India.The papadum has some pepper corns in it and was a good accompaniment for Indian meals.Samosa is a veggie snack, the filling consists of a mix of mashed potatoes, peas, onions and a blend of spices. The samosa served was crispy and hot and best eaten with the mint chutney provided.Pani-puri is a very interesting snack, it is a hollow sphere filled with mashed potatoes, beans, shredded coconut and pomegranate. One green and one orange sweet sauces were given for us to pour into the sphere, hence it was best to consume the snack in one bite.Kebab is a dish that served multiple meats together. The meats were cut into large chunks and marinated with different spices and seasonings. I don’t eat lamb and the smell of the lamb has made the dish not so appealing to me, however my friends said the lamb was the best meat in the dish. Makai Palak Corn is a mix of mashed spinach and corn with some corn kernels in it. It’s ordered because we wanted something to pair with the naan and paratha. To me, the dish was too mushy and only a small portion of it was eaten.Both the naan and the paratha were served hot. The paratha was thicker and sweeter but not as crispy as the naan. Both were delicious in their own right. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-04
今晚想食啲特別嘅嘢,阿女提議食印度餐,去咗灣仔一間正宗印度餐廳,全部都印度人主理,溝通都係用英語,地方都坐得舒服.餐廳送咗一碟蝦片,蝦片冇味精,但幾好食,嚟印度餐廳梗係揀咖喱啦咖哩角:中式咖喱角本人真係一般,唔大好感,印度咖喱角涵料係薯蓉豆角蓉,加好多香料,本人好喜歡🤤咖喱魚:魚質不是很嫩滑那種,但很有魚味,質感很不錯,咖哩汁不是很辣,有獨特嘅香味,嚟呢度一定唔可以錯過食咖喱芝士nan:芝士味濃郁,外脆內軟,口感十分好。羊肉nan:羊肉冇蘇味,配咖喱汁,一絕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)