4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All the pizzas are made to order and using Caputo 00 flour. The pizzas are handmade, and you can choose 2 flavors within one pizza. It decorates in black and the light is dim. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (515)
👍🏼手工pizza 口感好好 👍🏼上菜超快👍🏼pizza份量好大👎🏼菜式整體口味比較易「漏」👎🏼只有pizza 意粉 沙律,冇乜其他小食可以食 選擇較少建議🦉食物份量大,適合一大班人一齊去食,可以試多幾款唔同味嘅Pizza食物|🌟🌟🌟pizza作為招牌很好,其他菜式冇咩特別,比較heavy服務|🌟🌟🌟🌟侍應反應快,上菜速度快隔籬枱冷氣滴水 店員立即幫手調枱環境|🌟🌟🌟🌟比較昏暗,但係座位唔會太逼價錢|🌟🌟🌟🌟3個人食3款野食 完全係好夠飽埋單$6xx 除開每人$2xx 價錢合理聽咗呢間個名好耐終於嚟試啦!前排有幾個friend嚟食過見佢地評價好好 就更加想try try佢!今晚平日晚約左屋企人嚟食眼見都幾乎全店滿座 應該真係幾好生意值得一讚既係上菜非常快!落左單唔洗十分鐘就上齊晒3樣野食我地點左3樣野:雙拼pizza(Summer of love 同超級撒亞人Mother of Salad 肉丸白酒汁意粉Salad冇咩特別 阿媽話覺得啲菜唔夠新鮮 但我覺得正正常常啦🤔青瓜既厚薄剛剛好但整體而言沙律唔算好驚豔肉丸白酒汁意粉 肉丸口感不錯,唔會話太硬太實,但係就真係食唔出白酒汁同平時既白汁意粉有咩分別😅不過不失咁重頭戲係Pizza!餅底係好有傳統手工pizza既口感 唔會太dry 厚薄剛剛好👍🏼Summer of love 個汁有寫明係Honey 整既 甜甜地+微微辣好啱我口味😋+勁多勁大舊菠蘿 中意食偏甜既朋友會好開心😆超級撒亞人食落就冇咩特別 🙈屋企人食唔慣甜喜歡呢個多啲😂但呢個口味都係最基本平時Pizza嘅料個人覺得可以試吓其他口味🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係銅鑼灣禮頓道有間好出名嘅Pizza舖,出名到啲人話全香港最好食嘅pizza店,性價比高度食完之後唔會再食其他Pizza店。講到咁誇張,當然要同屋企人去試下!😂😂門口出面睇都唔覺得有啲咩特別,不過一入到嚟坐低,就見到牆上一塊塊印住李小龍同龍有關嘅滑板,就知店主對李小龍情有獨鍾(我覺得)😂係時候叫嘢食喇!😋先整個Mother Salad 🥗 ($158)材料都幾豐富,除咗沙律菜,有Capicola Ham 🥓,車厘茄,青瓜🥒,Fontina同Grana Padano 兩種芝士🧀,加上Mother Salad Dressing,勁有口感,雖然好多芝士,感覺好heavy,但菜量多令到食落去唔覺heavy,必食之選!!👍意粉就叫咗碟白酒肉丸意粉🍝🐷🐮🥛($168)忌廉白酒汁帶點辣椒片🌶️包住意粉同肉丸😋,令到個意粉勁creamy又帶點野味,唯獨個份量就有啲少🥲。輪到主角出場~!!🎉🥳🍕呢度主打以正宗拿坡里pizza即叫即焗為賣點,攞出嚟熱辣辣,少少燶帶點濕潤,pizza邊皮食落去小小脆但內裏帶點鬆軟。所以店員會將pizza放係個圓架上面,跟住就用圓盤托住,否則將pizza焗完直接放入圓盤,個pizza中間位就好快爛。難怪咁多人都話食過返尋味,真係有原因~!!😂Pizza就叫咗兩個13吋,先係叫意大利嘅敵人,椰香夏威夷人No5🍍😈($238)又話正宗拿坡里pizza?點解有菠蘿?😂原來佢係拿坡里x紐約style topping 🤣(Menu寫)。不過呢個pizza就一般🥲,水牛芝士唔多,椰絲味唔重,啲ham偏鹹諗住搵啲菠蘿中和,可惜唔得😔。呢個pizza要扣分另一個pizza就係Beautiful Chick 🐔 ($208)呢個相對比椰香夏威夷人No5好好多😅,勁多雞肉🐔,紫洋蔥🧅,Rocket菜同紅椒做Topping,再加上Ranch醬,淡淡都係肉又唔太鹹,呢個就真係推薦畀大家!!飲品就叫咗杯Peroni Nastro Azzurro ($79)🍺🇮🇹同一杯Mojito Elixir ($128) 🍸🥒🍋🍾呢個酸酸甜甜幾好飲👍👍總括成餐飯約$1100,價錢還可以,雖然沙律同意粉選擇唔多,但pizza嘅性價比確實幾高,認真畀其他專係食pizza嘅餐廳,呢間啲pizza唔可以話最好食,但起碼食得出廚師整pizza嘅心機~!!不過如果唔識食嘅話,就只會覺得呢種pizza太燶同有苦澀味🥲。但整體可以,可以再返食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥雖然不是坐落於銅鑼灣最旺的地段,但是週日光顧的人亦十分多,單憑這點便知食物的質素有保證,而且櫥窗放著非常吸引的大pizza,相信亦有助吸引顧客,不過令人再次光顧的最大原因,是薄餅具有非常濃厚的意式風情,還提供了雙拼的pizza,令客人可以一次吃到更多不同的味道。Located not in the busiest area of Causeway Bay, yet attracts a considerable crowd on Sundays, indicating the food quality is guaranteed. The enticing display of the large pizza in the window serves as a visual draw for customers. Notably, the thin-crust pizza exudes an authentic Italian flair, offering duo pizzas for a diverse taste experience.我的帕爾馬 My Parma  (13" $258)意式風乾火腿焗後並沒有變得太乾,配以清淡的火箭菜,剛剛好中和了火腿的鹹味,已番茄醬汁作主調,整個薄餅令人胃口大增,餅皮做得非常煙韌彈牙,令整個薄餅的質素有所提升The Italian dry-cured ham, baked with a delicate balance ensuring it remains moist, accompanied by mild arugula that complements the ham's saltiness, with tomato sauce as the main flavor, elevates the entire pizza. The crust is expertly crafted, crispy yet resilient, enhancing the overall quality.愛的夏天 Summer of Love 1967 (13" $238)雖然說正宗意大利人很討厭別人以菠蘿作為薄餅的配料,但是這間餐廳卻有提供這種口味的薄餅,甜甜的菠蘿加上雞肉,感覺令人非常開胃,唯一美中不足的是菠蘿令餅皮變得有點濕Despite authentic Italians' disdain for pineapple on pizza, this restaurant offers this flavor combination. The sweet pineapple with chicken creates an appetizing blend, albeit the pineapple slightly moist.意大利雞肉茄醬意粉 Tumppi Chicken Pasta ($168)這個意粉的茄汁味非常香濃,而且能夠做到讓汁液掛在意粉上,又不會令到意粉過濕或過軟,配以雞肉令整到菜式的味道得到提升The tomato-based sauce for this pasta dish is rich and flavorful, clinging to the pasta without making it overly wet or soft, while the chicken enhances the overall taste.Black Butte Porter ($79)這款啤酒放喺上來好像是很苦,但喝下去卻沒有這種感覺,反而充滿了香濃的麥味The beer initially seems bitter on the palate but surprises with a rich malt flavor upon drinking.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅有多種款式的薄餅給客人選擇,而且可以提供雙拼,令客人可以吃到更多的口味A variety of pizza styles are available for guests to choose from, with the option for duo pizzas, allowing guests to savor multiple flavors.❌除了薄餅及意粉外,其他食物的選擇不算十分多,建議可增加一些小食Apart from pizzas and pasta, the menu lacks variety in other food options, recommending an expansion in appetizers🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅裝修用上了前衛的格調,座位亦算十分寬敞The contemporary decor and spacious seating contribute to a trendy ambiance.❌餐廳內會播放音樂,雖然可以帶動氣氛,但有些食客卻覺得有點而嘈吵Although music playing in the background may be deemed too loud by some patrons.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的態度非常親切,亦很主動看看客人有甚麼要求,食物製作的速度亦算十分快速The servers are exceptionally friendly and proactive in attending to guests' needs, ensuring swift food preparation.❌無Nil💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅意粉及pizza的份量不會太少,所以價錢算是合理Portions of pasta and pizza are ample, offering reasonable pricing.❌由於未有套餐提供,只有單點菜單的菜式會相對較貴With no set menus available, a la carte dishes tend to be relatively pricier. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-30
唔明點解咁多人讚好 ,意份價錢 $168 但份量少 ,carbonara 只有幾粒煙肉 , pizza 叫左13 吋 ,四個人食每人只有一件多少少 ,pizza 濕濕地一般好食,但唔值 $198 埋單 $400四位但完全唔飽 ,鋼琴由得人彈,非常嘈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-21
放lunch 原本想吃好少少,行左去mother of pizza 睇下有無人排隊,點知唔洗點等就入到去。坐低waiter 都幾好服務,見我地凍轉左個位比我地。到叫野食,發現原來比之前又貴左🥲都明ge,通漲ma..最後叫左意大利肉丸肉醬意粉,肉丸份量幾多,口感都唔錯。而肉醬味道幾濃,甜甜地酸酸地加上意粉軟硬適中,好食👍雞味濃13"Pizza份量好足,13寸2個人根本係吃到太飽😂😂 餅底黎講係好好食,脆脆地但中間可能sauce 太多有d 淋,可惜了。整體而言係好食,但價錢相對貴左d🥺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)