OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant

7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station; 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口 continue reading
The founder and head chef of this restaurant is an oppa from Busan. A lot of Korean dishes are inspired by his hometown dishes and family recipes. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Let’s say CHEESE!
Let’s CHEESE together!
Cheese and Alcohol is the two main characters in Oppa Coffee Bar Restaurant. Decorated with Grey wall and wooden desks and chairs, it demonstrates a cool style of Korean interior design and dining atmosphere.
The chef provides an authentic Korean cuisine; some signature dishes must be tried. The Kimchi Volcano is one of the recommended items, with the topping of mozzarella, the kimchi fried rice served on an iron plate. After placing the dish to the customers’ table, a cheesy and gooey texture is made after the staff (oppa) will fire the cheese with a torch!

「Oppa」 的心思誠意
Besides Korean Volcano, other must-tried items include Kitchen Chicken, Cheese Fried Chicken and Octopus Cheese Ball, etc. Accompanied with all these Korean dishes, the restaurant also offers wide variety choices of exclusive Korean beers, cocktails, fruit cider and soft drinks. To have an alcohol or soft drink with cheese is the most preferable way.
Come join us! “Oppa” would definitely bring you an unforgettable taste and dining experience!
About Reward Scheme
Review (1869)
想食呢間韓國菜好耐啦,見到都好多好評~ 平日夜晚都有人排隊,記住book咗位先!呢度最出名係蛋漿熔岩炒飯,當然要試吓啦!當晚得一個OPPA,係香港人😂 同一個韓國女仔喺樓面,人手唔係好夠,但出餐都算快嘅~整體食物質素幾好,不妨一試😋🔸秘製章魚蛋漿熔岩炒飯 $198炒飯擺咗喺鐵板度,旁邊有加咗奶嘅蛋漿,OOPA會即場加芝士,再用火槍燒,之前撈勻半熟蛋、芝士同炒飯,做出拉芝嘅效果!睇住個過程都幾治癒😍 個炒飯充滿蛋漿同芝士,口感好軟棉棉,比想像中好食!以前喺濟洲島食過類似嘅,覺得呢度整得更好食!章魚份量算多,每啖都有,增加口感幾唔錯~ 個炒飯有加泡菜,但唔會覺得辣,整體好香濃芝味🧀,食完想再食😂 價錢就有少少貴啦,不過有OPPA喺面前即整拉芝炒飯,而且味道真係幾好食,值得試吓👍🏻🔸蟹膏蟹肉紫菜包飯 $108平時好鍾意食飯卷,不過香港嘅飯卷都賣得好貴呀🥹 呢度嘅蟹膏飯卷都幾多人叫,價錢唔平,不過好大條,比平時大1.5倍左右!頭尾兩舊飯卷有淋一啲蟹膏醬上去,非常鮮味😋 飯卷餡料有雞蛋絲、蘿蔔絲、青瓜絲、蟹柳同蟹膏醬,幾豐富又健康!🔸蜜糖牛油炸雞(半份) $198無骨炸雞貴$10,我地本身叫有骨,但嚟咗無骨,抵咗🤣 半份炸雞好夠2個人share,底仲有薯條~ 炸雞都幾香脆juicy,完全唔嚡,都幾多蜜糖甜味,鍾意甜味嘅會幾啱食~ 不過呢隻味嘅關係,食多兩舊會有啲膩~ 我就還好啦,下次都係試吓醬油味😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
-收工嚟到尖沙咀 行到韓國街🇰🇷即刻諗起呢間人氣餐廳 決定同朋友黎一試😊雖然餐廳唔大但係座位都足夠😆員工態度親切有禮 成個用餐體驗都好好😳泡菜蛋漿熔岩炒飯💰$188呢個泡菜蛋漿熔岩炒飯真係好正啊🥳有得食仲有表演睇 著晒🔥🤣只需要乖乖地坐喺度 員工就會幫你炒好埋個飯☺️炒飯入面有好多泡菜同埋芝士🧀足料之餘 每啖都可以拉絲😍蒜香炸雞 (有骨) 💰$198外皮炸得好香脆 唔厚粉😘入面肉汁豐富多汁 一啲都唔乾身🤤蒜香味道好香濃🧄咬落啖啖都係肉🍗平時通常食開甜辣同埋蜜糖 今次蒜香味 都好有驚喜呀🤩卡邦拿炒年糕💰$148年糕炒得彈牙 口感好好🤪配埋卡邦拿嘅醬汁 味道甜而不膩 好開胃😎入面仲有啲蔬菜同埋肉絲 增加咗層次感😛同埋啲醬汁好掛年糕🍡 食完都唔會覺得好制😊韓國啤酒 TERRA 💰$68為左完整嘅韓國餐餐單🤗點可以唔叫呢款韓國啤酒TERRA 🍺!佢嘅味道清香 飲落去好順口😉夠清爽同埋只係帶微苦 好爽😌OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant 📍尖沙咀金巴利街1F號地舖#hkfoodie #香港美食 #hkig #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #打卡一流 #打卡餐廳 #生日飯 #聚會之選 #美食餐廳推薦 #美食推薦 #份量班 #性價比餐廳 #佐敦美食 #尖沙咀美食 #香港韓國街 #尖沙咀韓國街 #炒年糕 #炸雞配啤酒 #蒜香味炸雞 #泡菜蛋漿熔岩炒飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我嗌咗芝士泡菜飯 同埋蟹膏紫菜包飯講真,其實芝士飯真係好一般 完全對唔住佢個價錢跟住蟹膏紫菜包飯 嗰浸腥味 嗅到我食咗一啖就即刻吐返出嚟佢啲青瓜係酸嘅 夾埋啲冇味嘅蘿蔔 同埋啲好腥嘅蟹膏 我真係唔知食緊啲咩我成世人冇食過咁難食嘅紫菜包飯最後我淨係可以整走晒入邊啲餸 淨係食個飯但係個飯都難食到我食落肚 個服務態度都係好差淨係擺碟餸落嚟就好大聲好大力一嘢劈碟菜落嚟仲要有+1最後餐飯食咗$400 無論係食物質素 定係服務態度 我都淨係會比1/10😅唔明點解有咁多好評?難食到我為咗佢特登寫我第一個食評。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
今日真係好尷尬,喺公司加班,走到淨番我同個女同事,佢就問我一唔一齊食飯,仲係咁話Oppa, Oppa好唔好吖。正當我想同佢講,"我有女....",佢就同我講Oppa Cafe個拉絲飯真係超好食... 🍖講返個飯先,我地叫左章魚泡菜做料既火山熔岩芝士炒飯。用鐵板上,個炒飯已經四四正正放左係中間,加埋大量芝士喺上面,然後果個令我尷尬嘅Oppa就開始倒入蛋漿喺飯嘅四周,用火槍喺咁燒雞蛋,見著 D 蛋漿加入之後慢慢漲起升高,然後芝士慢慢融化下榻,跟住個Oppa雙手攞起匙羹撈均,拉起d絲,哩嗰鏡頭真係好治癒。值得留意既係,佢嘅拉絲,喺拉到好似納豆咁,即係成個網咁,所以每一啖都一定有芝士同埋雞蛋嘅香同口感。而章魚嘅份量亦都好大,所以真係啖啖都超足料。 🍖呢期成日都聽既排骨薯仔湯,湯好濃郁,薯仔好林,但最勁嘅係排骨嘅肉仲林過啲薯仔。仲有王法嘅?下面又有份絲同蔬菜,感覺健康又平衡。另要留意既係排骨係成下梳上,所以煮既時間係更用心。 🍺✨️呢度既酒種類真係好多,韓國啤酒都有四種,又有斧山品種既燒酒,咁就唔駛只飲真露。但我最後擇既係菊花酒,度數高但易入々,而且有好强菊花味,唔你洋金菊,唔係紙包飲品,係藥材店個種味,但偏清新。擇到好野。 女同事一直都唔知我尷尬,但我就到依家都覺得自己老土。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
人均$150起|尖沙嘴|韓國菜|oppa coffee bar restaurant相隔了半年,再次來訪這家尖沙咀人氣韓料店,oppa coffee bar restaurant,風味依舊不改欸!泡菜五花腩湯飯這個巨好吃😋五花腩份量多,可是肥瘦相間,不會太油膩而且泡菜實在是太入味了,是這次的 #米飯小偷泡菜魚糕拉麵🍜這個是韓國🇰🇷 布帳馬車特有的美食,吃上去感覺回到當年的韓國街頭的。蒜香🧄炸雞這個麵粉不多,我自己很推——————為食分界線——————📍OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant (尖沙咀)尖沙咀金巴利街1F號地舖人均消費: $150#mariofatfat #foodie #hkfoodie #hkrestaurant #topcitybiteshk #topcitybites #hongkongfood #hk #hongkong #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkblogger #hkfoodblogger #hongkonger #香港 #香港美食 #週末好去處 #香港好去處 #食好西 #美食 #探店 #香港探店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)