This steak house features blue colour, and the golden cow decorations echo the Angus Tomahawk Steak with Gold Flakes, which is one of the signature dishes. In addition, it mainly serves steak with American beef with homemade sauces. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
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Review (317)
Level4 2024-04-26
在大埔舊墟直街的街口見到這家門面是英倫風設計的OX Steak Lounge,比同一條街的其他食店搶眼得多!店內的裝潢亦很有格調,惟小圓枱的實用性比較低。在openrice訂位,這次的優惠是$10/隻時令生蠔🦪,生蠔比想像中大隻,蠔肉亦不會好瘦削,帶點海水味,鮮味不鹹。英式香草芝士焗蠔 (6隻),焗蠔大隻飽滿,焗得恰好,不會乾身,仍很juicy。焗得金黃的芝士,令每口更添滋味!頂級牛肝菌忌廉湯,味道香濃,細滑的忌廉湯帶有牛肝菌碎粒,口感豐富!自家製牛骨牛油麵包,牛油以原節牛骨盛載,牛油香軟順滑,配上鬆軟麵包,很匹配。英式傳統布袋牛柳 (8oz),以煙肉包裹著牛柳,牛柳中間釀有蠔肉,牛柳軟稔,入口充滿牛肉汁香之餘,並帶有蠔味。黑松露鵝肝威靈頓牛柳 (8oz),酥皮包裹著牛柳,酥皮焗得金黃香脆。切開之後,內裡的材料不會鬆散,牛柳仍很粉嫩,肉汁豐沛,帶牛味。 酥皮與牛柳中間夾著黑松露與鵝肝,香氣四溢而不膩,比起布袋牛柳更為滋味!主菜配黑松露薯條,粗身薯條炸得脆卜卜,一點都不油膩,微微鹹香並帶淡淡黑松露香,可蘸茄汁或黑松露醬來吃,可口得食個不停。主菜的伴碟有薯蓉,但我們還是另加了Side Dish黑松露薯蓉 ($38)及蒜蓉牛油炒雜菌 ($38),薯蓉又香又軟滑,炒雜菌都幾大碟,又夠惹味~~甜品選了頂級比利時朱古力心太軟,擺盤用心,心太軟配一紅一綠的雪糕磚,是紅豆雪糕及抹茶雪糕。心太軟焗得夠脆,內裡朱古力漿夠流心,朱古力味香濃不甜膩。紅豆雪糕與抹茶雪糕夠冰凍又好香,好吃的一道甜品!由前菜、配菜、主食,以至甜品,都教人吃得滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一進店看到有情調的裝飾和大水晶吊燈,適合與友人聊天小酌的氛圍點了兩個二人餐,每位$398凱撒沙律(雞扒)香煎雞扒煎得嫩口,凱撒沙律配上經典麵包脆粒,沙律菜非常新鮮水牛芝士車厘茄沙律我最愛的burrata cheese,配上蕃茄粒和沙律菜,醬汁以黑醋橄欖油調味,是開胃前菜頂級牛肝菌忌廉湯每口都有很多牛肝菌粒,忌廉湯味道濃郁,口感濃厚,贊牛骨髓牛油麵包溫暖的麵包外脆內軟,配上香滑的牛油,好吃慢煮美國安格斯七打牛柳七打牛柳是牛腰近背脊的部位,口感非常嫩滑,牛味香濃,煎得恰到好處英式傳統布袋牛柳 +$38以煙肉包裹牛扒,最內層釀了生蠔肉,味道有層次,煙肉的咸味增加牛扒的香氣,生蠔非常新鮮,相當特別的煮法套餐配黑松露薯條薯條新鮮炸起非常香口,外脆內軟,黑松露毫不吝嗇,另外配黑松露醬和茄汁,一口接一口吃光白餐酒 +$28適合與友人小酌的氣氛,於是點了餐酒,白酒容易入口,乾身帶點甜味總括來說味道高質素,價錢不貴,下次會再來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-27
今晚放工同老公兩個人拍拖食浪漫晚餐揀咗呢一間專食牛扒嘅steakhouse 裝修係輕奢侈風格 掛上好多金色嘅牛頭同大水晶燈做裝飾都幾浪漫 點咗一個晚餐set menu都好豐富 頂級牛肝菌忌廉湯 好入味好creamy 口感豐富 自家製牛骨牛油麵包 牛油味配上多士 toast 浸落啲湯飲好開胃 頭盤有個parma ham嘅沙律 開胃健康主菜係日本A4和牛 煎得好入味 粒粒和牛 入口即溶 油脂分佈好平均 好香 配上薯蓉蔬菜等做配菜 好balance 甜品係 頂級比利時朱古力心太軟 配上紅豆雪糕 朱古力味道好香 仲有好多朱古力醬 另外嗌咗一份美國cab頂級紐約牛西冷 份量好多 燒到好香 有易咬開 淡淡肉 side dish仲有黑松露薯條 係我鍾意食黑松露醬 真係好好味呢度食晚餐好有情調 服務又好好 同老公過咗一個浪漫嘅晚上 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-10
Indulgent and elegant, OX Steak Lounge in Tai Po is a culinary gem. 🌟 The golden ox decorations and dazzling crystal chandelier create a luxurious atmosphere, perfect for a romantic date night. 😍

🙌 Must-Try Delights - 🔺Lobster Bisque: Velvety and rich, the bisque was a heavenly blend of flavors and tender lobster meat.🔺Beef Tartare: Melt-in-your-mouth goodness with a tantalizing blend of seasonings, a raw indulgence.🙌 Don't Miss - 
🔺Bread with bone marrow butter 🧈: Heavenly combination of warm bread and luscious bone marrow butter. A unique and must-try experience!🔺Wellington Beef 🥩🥐: Flaky pastry enveloping tender beef, accompanied by a delectable mushroom duxelles and savory jus. A true masterpiece.🙌 Sides to Savor🔺Black Truffle Fries 🍟🍄: Crispy fries infused with fragrant black truffle, a flavor explosion that will leave you wanting more.🙌 Sweet Endings🔺Lava Cake: Warm, molten chocolate heaven that will melt your heart.🔺Classic Tiramisu: Light, creamy, and perfectly balanced, a delightful way to conclude your meal. The service at OX Steak Lounge was attentive and friendly, ensuring a memorable experience. 🥂🤝   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❤️黑松露鵝肝威靈頓牛柳 精心烹調既威靈頓牛柳牛柳,超香牛油味既酥皮包裹著黑松露鵝肝同牛柳,一切開就係粉嫩牛柳,餐酒揀配紅酒又match 又有feel🧡自家製A5和牛手工千層麵 自家製既千層麵,麵質柔軟好有彈性,一層麵 + 一層A5和牛肉醬,仲有邪惡芝士,好味!!💛頂級比利時朱古力心太軟 超級流心既心太軟, 一切開濃郁滑順既朱古力醬就慢慢流出黎,配紅豆同抹茶雪糕同埋紅莓醬,酸酸甜甜,一冷一熱,好幸福既感覺💚雞凱撒沙律 新鮮爽口沙律菜加埋煎香既嫩滑雞肉搭,配埋醬汁口感豐富💙水牛芝士車厘茄沙律 新鮮既車厘茄搭配水牛芝士,清爽酸甜清又爽開胃~💜頂級牛肝菌忌廉湯 滿滿既牛肝菌味道超濃郁!! 細滑得黎又加左好多牛肝菌粒粒增加口感,再配埋茶左用牛骨裝住既自家製牛油多士,每一啖都係奢華享受!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)