14-min walk from Exit C1, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (339)
Level4 2024-05-15
位於金鐘香港公園的湖邊餐廳。人越大,就越對漂亮的環境毫無抵抗力,尤其是閃閃發光的海、湖、池及天空等。早前就看到很多人分享這間玻璃屋餐廳,要知道,玻璃屋大概代表著多少女孩子夢裡的憧憬,於是,這種童話書才會出現的組合,落地玻璃映襯瀑布園林景色及閃閃生光的湖邊,便成了餐廳最有代表性的標誌之一。社畜放假日理應在家中休息,但朋友說餐廳現時也有ʙʀᴜɴᴄʜ提供,頓時兩眼發光,便早早訂位來享受美食及良景;久久一次沐浴着初升朝陽的温暖,其實也頗為寫意。⋆_____ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ꜱᴇᴍɪ-ʙᴜꜰꜰᴇᴛ ʙʀᴜɴᴄʜ $368ᴜᴘ______⋆半自助式早午餐只限於星期六、日或公眾假期,包括主菜一份及多款前菜、沙律、海鮮、湯品、甜點、汽水及果汁的自助吧。.✿ 沙律吧琳瑯滿⽬的選項,包括凍⾁拼盤、芝⼠拼盤、麵包籃、是⽇湯品等,能夠滿⾜不同⼝味的客人。而且味道比想像中更出色,當中凍肉拼盤及芝士拼盤更是多次ᴇɴᴄᴏʀᴇ呢。.✿ 凍海鮮區凍海鮮種類不算多,只有青口、大蝦及東風螺。但是各款凍海鮮均鮮嫩爽彈,尤其大蝦更是蝦膏滿溢,不霉不爛;與好友皆一致認同質素絕對可以媲美某些五星級的貴價酒店自助餐。.✿ 主菜:慢煮牛小排配青胡椒汁 (+$60) 五選一的主菜,我選了最愛的牛小排。牛小排色澤粉嫩,紋理細緻;入口肉味濃郁,口感軟腍且不韌。搭配青胡椒汁更是清爽惹味。牛排熟嫩程度恰到好處,肉質細緻嫩滑,吃肉獸必點啊! .✿ 甜品ᴘᴏɴᴅꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴘÂᴛɪꜱꜱᴇʀɪᴇ的甜點絕對是餐廳招牌。甜品吧可以一次過品嚐不同種類的甜品,每件精緻又小巧,⼀⼝一件的⼤⼩,即使試勻每款也毫無罪惡感呢。完美是甜品控的天堂呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港公園內湖畔玻璃屋人氣一直都非常火熱,一位難求.今次一到終知究竟.陽光充沛下,環境更休閑愜意.在假日享用Weekend Brunch,同時望住緩緩傾瀉瀑布,不知不覺間就過了快活幾小時,肚皮與心情同樣滿足~🔸WEEKEND SEMI-BUFFET BRUNCH MENU($368 up)半自助式早午餐只限星期六日及公眾假期供應.包括多款前菜、沙律、海鮮、湯品、甜點、任飲汽水及果汁▫️沙律吧特別喜愛沙津吧,沙律菜有多種選擇,款款新鮮各有不同調味.而且更有芝士拼盤及多種凍肉類,如火腿、煙三文魚、西班牙辣香腸及巴馬火腿等,看起來非常豐富▫️凍海鮮區當日主要有大蝦、螺及青口.大蝦有膏,其他入口亦爽彈.店員全程一見空缺就會不停補充,密密refill,感覺很好▫️主菜:西京燒銀鱈魚 (+$60)銀鱈魚比想像中大件.燒好後表面金黃,魚肉帶有淡淡白味噌甘甜味,不用額外太多沙律醬已好入味.入口極度滑嫩,令人瞬間清碟▫️甜品有栗子撻、紅桑子慕絲、布甸、馬卡龍等.更出奇地竟有新鮮熱辣豆腐花.就算不嗜甜,亦有水果供應任君選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
In contrary to some negative noise about this restaurant, we found this them to be quite pleasant in terms of taste and service!  Very pleasant waitstaff as well as a diverse and approachable menu. They're in the middle of the park next to the waterfall! Definitely a magnificent view especially at golden hour!With a bigger group, you can order the Wooden Box Roasted Whole Yellow Chicken ($788) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Shown in the box (for the gram) then served up on a plate. The chicken was quite sublime with its crispy skin and juicy tender meats! It comes with lots of little side dishes like chicken oil rice with mushrooms, tofu, kimchi and more! Rewinding it bit, to start the meal off, we were served a basket of breadsticks and berry bread with a side of vinaigrette!Then we ordered a heaping portion of Avocado Mango Salad with Spicy Prawn ($128) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ that's great for sharing! Very picturesque with deliciously fresh mango and avocado! Although could use a bit more dressing!Next is the Spaghetti Aglio E Olio with Asparagus ($168) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Now we're not the biggest fan of the asparagus, but love the simplicity of the pasta! The lightly salted spaghetti with tangy spicy taste thanks to the chili and seasoned further by the garlic!Now the Grilled Iberico Pork Chop ($228) ⭐⭐⭐is a bit on the normal side~ Couldn't point out anything too memorable, so definitely a can be subbed...The Tiramisu ($68) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ and Chocolate Lava Pudding with Ice Cream ($78) ⭐⭐⭐ was definitely everyone's fault! We saw all the Tiramisus that's been posted lately and we were like…Let's get it too! To put it short, cake based with no biscuits and strong alcohol taste! The lava pudding had a very rich chocolate taste though wasn't very lava~For drinks, we got a Smoking in the Park ($138) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ which was very aesthetic served with smoke in the box!! Though the waitstaff opened the box before we were ready...Taste-wise, very strong bourbon with a smoky wood flavour~ We also got a Butterfly on Pondside ($128) ⭐⭐⭐ which was quite unique... and a Rainforest ($78) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ mocktail~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.今日嚟到金鐘香港公園,呢度有一間餐廳非常Chill,就係Pondside,餐廳就起香港公園嘅中心位置,側邊靠近一個湖,風景非常優美。-我地食嘅係WEEKEND SEMI-BUFFET BRUNCH MENU,只係$368起/位,包括多款前菜、主菜、沙律、海鮮、湯、甜點、飲品,另外仲可以加錢享用更美味嘅牛小排、燒春雞、特色咖啡。-自助區都幾豐富,前菜沙律睇落新鮮,而且款式多,可以DIY一款專屬自己嘅。今日嘅湯都好好飲,超濃郁嘅蕃茄味,用包沾黎食都幾吾錯。-海鮮區有3款,分別係海蝦、青口、螺。海鮮都幾新鮮,好有海水味,口感爽口彈牙,不過可惜款式吾多。-主菜有5款可以選擇,當中燒春雞、銀鱈魚、牛小排需要額外加錢。我地分別揀左燒法國走地春雞配香草燒汁同慢煮牛小排配青胡椒汁。燒春雞非常入味,而且口感嫩滑,一啲都吾鞋口,仲伴有新鮮沙律菜同脆口嘅薯格。而牛小排亦都好有驚喜,牛小排係切好上菜的,見到肉質非常粉嫩,見到就流口水,食落口感嫩滑而且好有牛味,配上青胡椒汁,味道更加有風味。-Pondside (金鐘)金鐘紅棉路10號香港公園- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-01
係社交平台見到呢間餐廳,覺得View 好靚,好想黎感受下。網上話好難book,我就早早book 左今晚食飯。雖然見好多食評都一般般,但我係一個要親身試過至決定。是日我book 左6點吃飯,到現場,得幾枱客(一般都係lunch和tea 多人d)我地坐喺窗邊,望住瀑布位,未完全天黑影出去好靚。一出場的包,好有驚喜,先講長脆餅,好脆、有芝士味,兩個小包,暖暖的,其中一個可以點橄欖油加醋,另一個都有芝士味,就咁食都好食。再黎就係我點的湯,menu 上有三款湯,我叫左蘑菇湯給羅宋湯,蘑菇湯有啲失望,佢打咗啲奶泡喺啲湯上面,但同啲湯完全唔夾,蘑菇湯比較淡味冇蘑菇味,如果佢可以打爛啲蘑菇蓉令到個湯會濃啲,有口感d 較好。至於個羅宋湯就幾好味,湯渣上嘅牛腩好腍。之後上嘅就係牛油果蝦沙律以及帶子海膽。帶子係大大粒又唔會煎到好老中間仲有啲類似糖心急嘅口感,上面就鋪左魚子,佢嘅海膽唔係鋪喺帶子上面,反而係挖空咗個青瓜釀咗喺青瓜上面,海膽入邊加咗啲Wasabi成個口感同味道都好有衝擊。主菜叫咗一份係羊架一份係豬鞍,羊太肥了,肥膏位好羶,豬over cook 了。至於服務態度,我由訂枱到食晚餐都覺得好正常,有禮貌,冇唔耐煩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)