5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
92802931 (WhatsApp)
The restaurant specializes in Peking roasted duck. Every duck can be cut off in 108 slices. The skin is crispy and the meat is tender. It is served with melon, homemade honey plum sauce, onion and cucumber. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 15:00
17:45 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 15:00
17:45 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:45 - 15:00
17:45 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (498)
主打嘅北京填鴨量多但偏乾柴,整體食物一般,唔伏但唔係好食🥶。・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🪿 烤北京填鴨 (半) HK$218・味道:份量幾多,二人share嘅話一人有7-8個餅皮包鴨。包晒啲餅皮仲有半碟鴨淨。鴨皮睇到油香但食唔出,冇乜鴨味。偏瘦唔夠油脂所以食落唔夠香口,暖返啲更好,一般~・口感:未到食到一絲絲肉嘅柴,但因為偏瘦而且煮得熟咗啲,所以乾身唔嫩。🐟 古琴酸菜魚 HK$88・味道:正常發揮,魚都有6-7塊左右,滑身好食。好多酸菜,湯底都夠酸味,整體不錯~・口感:順喉,飲咗半碗湯都唔會渴。🍴 南翔小籠包 (6件) HK$82・味道:同樣正常發揮,肉餡好飽滿,湯汁亦夠多,醃味正常。皮未到好薄,中等厚度,可一戰。・口感:juicy!每粒小籠包底下都會有個紅蘿蔔墊住,避免因為小籠包同籠底張紙痴住而漏湯汁,幾細心嘅呢~🦀 蟹粉蓋飯 HK$198・味道:睇落好濃食落唔係,用茨打到好似好濃嘅蟹汁,但其實食唔出乜嘢蟹膏味,反而有好多蟹肉。唔知點解個炒飯要落三色豆🤡?冇其他餸喇,呢個唔值啊,不了🫸🏻!・口感:炒飯偏濕,可能個茨汁太勁~・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🤰性價比:中~🤰9衝度:可試~🤰結論:呃⋯⋯全部都叫做過得去囉但唔使特登嚟食・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・daitouball continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-22
早已並非首次到古琴雅苑,可謂是在香港品嘗片皮鴨的不二之選,除了灣仔QRE Plaza之外尖沙咀及銅鑼灣亦有分店。南翔小籠包 ($82)餡料肉汁豐富,外皮不會過分透薄易破但亦不至過於厚實。津白雲吞湯 ($145)雲吞皮薄餡靚蝦肉爽彈,加上豆腐及津白湯頭清甜但性價比較低。蟹粉蓋飯 ($198)飯底加入蛋及青豆炒得粒粒分明,淋上蟹粉澎湃滿瀉,濃郁醇厚不過整體而言鹹度稍高。荷葉杭州雞 ($360)由於製作需時故此道菜式約等了整整一小時,雖然荷葉香氣並不如想像中滲入雞肉,但雞肉皮滑肉嫩之餘細緻多汁實在令人喜出望外,味道香甜近似瑞士汁。意大利黑醋骨 ($98)排骨加上黑醋汁煮得入味,酸甜開胃。烤北京填鴨 ($428)全隻烤鴨連皮帶肉分出兩大盤之餘每盤滿滿當當並非只得表面一層。是次肉質較瘦配上傳統京醬、京葱、青瓜、自家製蜂蜜黃梅醬及哈蜜瓜份外清爽。不得不提精髓所在正是鴨胸皮「一口酥」,蘸上砂糖入口油潤鬆脆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-13
好耐無同兩位朋友吃飯, 由於其中一位朋友有coupon同埋未試過呢間餐廳, 又想食吓片皮鴨, 所以黎呢到用餐~我地3個, 叫左佢既至二人餐 - 至尊鮑魚海鮮餐 - $998, 因為我地係3個人, 所以問侍應加多一份鮑魚幾錢, 佢話只需要幾十蚊, 我地諗應係50蚊到卦, 結果係$82, 隻鮑魚又唔係大隻又只是凍食, 又講唔出好鮮甜, 真係唔值呢個價錢加埋一係需要$90.之後我地都加左一位蟹粉鮮魚羹, 套餐只包兩位,  問侍應加幾多錢又係話幾十蚊, 結果係$88, 加埋一係$96.8, 忠蟹粉鮮魚羹比較味精, 同埋蟹粉鮮魚唔多, 味道好一般, 好失望, 如果侍應一早同地講明係要加呢個價錢再加一, 我地係唔會叫, 最重要係又唔係話好食~片皮鴨比較乾和凍, 無咩鴨味.醉雞經Open rice訂位送的, 但酒味唔香濃, 食到雪雞味, 麻麻地.其他菜式又係好一般, 都費事寫~賣單未計可以扣coupon, 套餐免加一, 但散叫就要加一, 加埋餐前小碟和茶介加一, 合供$1225, 每人平均$408, 咁既質素, 真係唔值呢個價錢, 應該唔會再黎~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-12
去到19樓,然後話安排左10樓比我,又落番10樓。叫左半隻鴨,一個鮑魚小炒肉,一條松子魚。無一樣野係熱嘅⋯最多話佢暖,連叫個飯都等左好耐。鮑魚小炒肉仲要切到勁薄身,講真圖六不符得好誇張,鮑魚仔成本其實好低,黎到都呆一呆。鴨,第一樣叫嘅野,成個鐘先上,仲要凍嘅。。。唔好食,啲卷鴨皮得幾片,再叫又收$48。條魚,叫ok la, 都唔係好突出。本身同父母黎,好彩最後佢哋唔舒服嚟唔到,如果唔係真係食得唔開心。埋單成千蚊,仲有埋單去爭啲冇減返個訂座$500按金,又係要等,要出聲,其實都唔知食咗啲乜。然後今日發現,冇俾到個訂座優惠。冇下次luuuu… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We booked a table for 10 and were excited to try the Peking Duck. The sliced ducks were served on duck-shaped plates. However we must say that the ducks were quite disappointing becos they were cold, the wraps were not hot at all, but they were supposed to be steamed and served. It’s also sad that the skin of the duck slices was not crispy at all. The condiments were served in full range though- they even gave melon sticks in addition to the ordinary cucumber sticks. Since we came in a big group, we ordered the 8-people set dinner, and we added one steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaves. The dishes were nice, and the chicken was steaming hot (compared to the ducks). The chicken meat fell off the bones and tasted good. The bamboo shoots were crunchy and served in big portion. We had a bit of everything in the assorted platter, surprisingly I like the braised gluten (烤麩) the most. Deep fried fish with sweet and sour sauce was fresh and good. Very meaty and flavoursome.Stir fried prawns were coated in salted egg sauce, taste-wise it’s nice, temperature-wise it’s also not hot enough (sadly). The braised pork knuckle was huge. The sauce tasted like 豬腳薑 instead of the 東坡 style. Gingery, vinegary and sweet. Would prefer to have the savoury sauce instead. The wonton and tofu chicken broth tasted nice, but still the same complain: it’s not hot enough. The fried rice with salted meat was very salty, while the Shanghainese stir fried thick noodles were okay. This Chinese restaurant is located on 19/F of QRE plaza but we were seated in the Japanese restaurant on 10/F. Staff told us the upper floor was very full so they let us sit at the tables on 10/F instead (apparently the Japanese restaurant was managed by the same group). So we took this opportunity to sample both the Chinese and Japanese desserts. The osmanthus jelly and the cream puffs. The teas served were good. We had osmanthus oolong tea, and lychee rose tea. Overall, we spent $330 per person and there was obviously a huge room for improvement in terms of the food temperature. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)