Exit A1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Known for having one of the best Xiao Long Baos in Hong Kong, this Taiwanese star has never let customers down. The founder Bingyi Yang started off in the oil business, until he and his wife started their own dumpling business (Xiao Long Bao). continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Beijing, Sichuan, Shanghai Restaurant (2009-10, 2013-16), Best Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui (2009-2012), MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:45 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Kid-friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (871)
Level4 2023-12-14
話說本豬對上一次食鼎泰豐已經係幾年前喺台灣食而家香港開咗幾間分店但都要排隊等位今次見條隊短就決定重溫下對鼎泰豐嘅味道(ง ˙o˙)ว✧ 小籠包($70)唔知係咪因為好耐冇食呢呢個小籠包個皮好厚..厚過平時食生煎包入面個湯汁都偏少🥣完全唔使擔心會爆汁雖然係招牌菜但感覺失色•́‸ก✧ 香菇素餃($68)本豬覺得呢個出色過小籠包~廚師將菜、粉絲同菇切得好細🥦🍄所以一啖係必定可以試哂咁多種材料而且啲皺褶做得好均勻好有心思🥟餃子皮略嫌搓得厚咗啲✧ 台式香蔥拌麵($60)麵上面俾咗大量嘅醬🥫估係有紅蔥嘅醬🧅底仲有大量香蔥🌱雖然撈埋哂係幾香🍜但印尼撈麵嘅味道永印心中台式香蔥拌麵比較難超越✧ 炸豬排蛋炒飯($92)個豬排係黑椒汁內裡亦都醃得好腍🐖炒飯火候亦都控制得好好用嘅米脹卜卜好有咬口🍚炒蛋嘅蛋白同蛋黃冇完全炒碎blend飲個飯入面🍳但本豬反而喜歡咁樣粒粒分明係是日No.1 🥇✧ 蝦仁燒賣($86)一打開蒸籠覺得好得意♨️每個燒賣方向都唔同好似外國停車場吹氣公仔🎏再諗一諗其實擺算係咪suppose要工整啲呢雖然佢叫燒賣但真質都係小籠包面頭再加粒蝦仁所以建議大家叫小籠包就ok✧ 赤荳鬆糕($60)本豬第一次食呢味甜品Topping橙色點綴估計係橙皮鬆糕食落比望落更實而且有少少黐牙🤏🏻切開中間有啲紅豆蓉🫘係比較傳統啲嘅甜品埋單要加一對於每度菜上碟都出哂煙真係值得讚~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-13
Just ordered take away from Din Tai Fung. My favorite dish, the xiaolongbao, was just as delicious as always. The sour spicy soup were perfectly steamed and fired rice with pork chop and a veggie with broth. the hot and sour soup, which had just the right amount of spice and tanginess. The pork chop fried rice was another standout dish, with tender pieces of pork and fragrant rice. The vegetables were a nice addition to the meal, providing a healthy balance to the other dishes. Din Tai Fung maybe not is the best, but always keep in this high-quality! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-19
台灣最出名台式點心專門店鼎泰豐,位於台北市區,深受本地人和遊客喜愛。餐廳承襲傳統烹調技法,做工精緻。餐廳內採光好,環境清新整潔。除了台灣名點外,也融合新的概念,如以絲瓜和朱古力詮釋小籠包,為客人帶來新鮮口感。多年來餐廳持續揚名,被評為米其林指南推薦餐廳,成為台北必遊景點之一。它保存了台式點心的經典,也在傳統基礎上不斷滋潤,成就餐廳長青的美譽。餐廳名字:鼎泰豐 信義店餐廳地址:台北市大安區 鼎泰豐 信義店第一道菜式:排骨炒飯 肥嫩排骨帶來肉香、飯粒每一粒都包裹其中第二道菜式:紅油蝦肉抄手 新鮮蝦肉和軟Q抄手以紅油調合出獨特口感 第三道菜式:什錦豆干絲 不同種類的豆乾絲質感各異共同演繹嶄新視角 第四道菜式:特色小籠包 外形小巧內含豐富餡料夠满一批 第五道菜式:絲瓜蝦肉小籠包 絲瓜清新的口感與蝦肉相得益彰 第六道菜式:朱古力小籠包 誰人不愛的香甜小籠包試問 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-09
一家人聚餐想食下中菜, 就揀左係香港中心點既鼎泰豐啦. 環境幾舒服, 一家人坐圓台都幾闊落. 🐟醬汁黃花魚: 呢個睇落幾香口, 味道都唔錯🐔紹興酒醉雞: 醉雞照計黎講應該好正路, 調味都有酒味, 但肉質好奇怪 好鬆散, 好似完全唔新鮮咁. 🫛台式四季豆,四喜烤麩: 兩個菜式都唔錯, 調味夠. 🫓小籠包: 呢個招牌菜黎講都算表現正常, 皮既厚薄適中, 咬開有肉汁幾juicy,  但肉香味就無特別出. 🍖台式酸辣湯,油炸排骨: 正常表現, 就係個d食完一般既感覺, 你唔會話難食, 但都唔會令你想再食. 🍤雞絲蝦仁春卷: 呢個幾脆又無咩油, 入面既餡有唔同口感, 反而係咁多個菜式黎講幾特別. 總結🥢 環境舒服, 但食物味道平平, 如果普通一家人聚餐都可以試一兩次, 但再訪就未必了.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-09
今天和同事一齊 LUNCH,到附近鼎泰豐,一行七個人,叫了很多點心小菜,不過東西的份量很細,其實要叫很多才夠吃。但是價錢不算十分平宜,因為都是一般的中餐。台灣餃子館,他們的小籠包餃子鮮美多汁,皮薄餡多。其他點心和面食也一樣好吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)