Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Hutong welcomes you to our glamorous home at H Zentre next to Peninsula and Sheraton Hotels in Tsim Sha Tsui! We’re bringing you award-winning occasionally fiery northern Chinese cuisine including our signature Red Lantern crispy soft-shell crab, Flaming Peking duck and an enlarged dim sum offering! Hutong's interiors are set against the most breathtaking skyline of Victoria Harbour. continue reading
Additional Information
Entrance is directly opposite Exit L1 from Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station. We are around the corner from The Peninsula and The Sheraton Hotels.7-minute walk from the Star Ferry Pier or from aqua luna TST Public Pier.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Flaming Peking duck Okra wrapped in Bridal Lace Bamboo Mushroom Yu xiang crispy pork dumplings Seared scallops with soba noodles Wagyu beef red cabbage roll
Review (121)
Level3 2024-05-12
近年好多中餐廳都用上西式格調,設計上整體感覺比較精緻,位於尖沙咀Zentre嘅胡同都有呢種格調。環境方面比較昏暗,一入門口有一種入左酒店lounge嘅感覺,再加上落地大玻璃方便欣賞維港夜景。 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑燈映牛肉味道唔錯,甜甜地,略嫌唔夠薄,唔夠通透 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑火焰胡椒片皮鴨(半隻)會有師傳喺你面前花式翻熱隻鴨再片皮,除左觀賞之餘亦都令鴨皮更加香脆 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑大紅燈籠高高掛辣椒煮軟殼蟹,辣椒好香,軟殼蟹鬆脆,但係以呢個排場黎講略嫌唔夠辣 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑海龍皇簡單一個蟹肉湯 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑麻辣蝦香脆爽口,唔夠麻唔夠辣 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑鹹肉津白為左上枱嘅時候可以成朵花咁,同一般上湯浸嘅津白有少少唔同,比較爽口(硬身) 整體黎講菜式都係比較精緻,但係唔知係唔係為左遷就香港人口味,川式嘅麻度同辣度比想像中弱好多,無左個神髓,只係用好多辣椒堆砌左一個好澎湃嘅視覺辣度。食川菜就係想麻想辣,當然為左迎合市場而適量調整口味係在所難免,但係過度遷就市場就無左本來嘅特色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-15
食物一般,服務一般,只是食海景,朋友生日飯,朋友想食特色中菜,大家提議試下這間聽聞很久的中菜,環境太黑,食物不是太面特別,帶蛋糕要收每人$75  切餅費,壽包又要提前訂,生日牌寫名又要提前訂,離地掃興講完 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-03
Bamboo Charcoal Fish Scented Saltwater Corner.:This meal was a marvel, with soft fish melded with the subtle smokiness of bamboo charcoal. The subtle harmony of flavors, combined with a dash of ocean water essence, made my taste buds tingle with ecstasy. Each bite was a symphony of textures and flavors, showcasing the chef's skill in developing amazing seafood food items.Pan-fried foie gras and smoky omelette with fish roe:The creamy richness of the foie gras complemented the smokiness of the eggs, resulting in an enjoyable taste combo. The addition of salmon roe gave the dinner an explosion of brininess, taking it to new levels of lavishness. It was a gastronomic realization that left me seeking more.Neptune Crispy Cone.:This creative cuisine was a beautiful mix of textures plus flavors, with crispy conical filled with a scrumptious seafood diversity. Every chew was a symphony of crunch and creaminess, with the seafood's value perfectly tempered by the crunchy shell. It was a humorous take on traditional Chinese cuisine that left a lasting impact.Golden shrimp:Generous squid, coated in a golden batter, were cooked to perfection, delivering a crispy wrap & juicy, aromatic meat. The corresponding dipping sauce imparted a tangy kick, which improved everything about the dining experience. It was a simple yet tasty dish that displayed both the quality of the products used and the chef's skills.Kung Pao Shrimp:The process of stir- tender shrimp with crunchy peanuts, hot in flavor chili peppers, and aromatic spices led to a robust and sweet dish. Each bite was a wonderful ballet of sweet, spicy, and savory tastes that left me thoroughly delighted but wishing additional information. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-16
餐廳擁有180度維港大海景,打卡一流,記得Book位講定坐窗邊位⭐️前菜海皇脆筒酥脆香口亦不算油膩,餡料有帶子,蝦及蔬菜,味道不錯,但不算驚喜。主菜為餐廳人氣菜式火焰胡椒片皮鴨,上菜時師傅會即席將火焰加在燒鴨上再燒,其主要作用都係為左打卡🔥片皮鴨外皮都算脆身,但鴨油香不夠,肉質亦有啲鞋。而餅皮上菜夠熱,但餐廳冷氣好大,令到食物好易冷。整體未到好好食。至於胡同擔擔麵,個人覺得佢既調味偏酸,亦不夠花生香,味道一般。咸肉津白切到好靚,好似一朵花咁,又係打卡一流🪷味道就正常,係大家想象到既味道。甜品椰汁石榴糕反而有驚喜,味道清新帶椰汁香,唔會過甜👍🏼總結餐廳食物質素普通,呢個價錢單睇食物性價比不高,有一半價錢係比左個海景😅不過店員服務都幾好,餐廳環境靚,十分適合打卡,如果有外國朋友嚟香港應該會幾適合。若果係平日家庭或朋友聚會想食好少少既中菜就可以有更好選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間係友人book mark咗好耐嘅中餐廳,一入到去就不得不感嘆佢古色古香裝修,餐廳環境神秘昏暗,加入豐富嘅中式元素,行到大廳更有180度嘅維港大海景,氣氛甚好!酸菜魚餐廳選用嘅係桂花魚,但魚質略嫌唔夠嫩滑同入味,其他配料頗為少,特別之處係以榨菜取代酸菜。而湯嘅味道唔算太濃厚,就咁當湯飲都無問題!片皮鴨全晚最期待嘅食物!一開頭廚師會特登出嚟表演一次火焰show,大家都會即刻攞曬手機出嚟stand by錄片打卡🤣🤣但試食後覺得味道尚算一般,可能期望太高,鴨皮算係比較juice,肉質有啲鞋,食多幾件就會好漏。炒飯味道偏向清淡,冇乜特別,重味道嘅要加埋啲酸菜魚汁撈飯😅辣子雞意外地呢個係全晚最好食嘅一道菜👍🏻雞肉多嫩滑汁,味道偏辣但十分惹味,忍唔住會食多幾件!聖子第一次凍食聖子🙈口感都幾特別,爽口鮮甜,加埋面上嘅蒜,係幾好嘅開胃前菜,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)