2-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
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Review (83)
Level4 2024-05-02
心情鬱悶,相約好友於一西日居酒屋小酌一杯餐廳名字以日文翠綠的意思命名,由本地藝術家以樹脂藝術將以璀璨翠寶融入每個角落燈光的變化與折射,令室內空間像一顆在漆黑中發光發亮的寶石室外空間佔地約二千呎,設有七米高的鎦射投影畫面Akagai以香辣醬汁醃製的活赤貝刺身包著蘆筍,鮮甜爽脆小碟Shredded Celtuce Salad一絲絲的萵筍加入鰹魚汁及白蘿蔔蓉,再以三文魚籽作點綴,充滿日式風味共享菜式Caramelised Pumpkin焦糖南瓜加入杏仁碎及肉桂,入口香甜A4 Wagyu Cutlet Charcoal Sando A4吉列和牛竹炭三文治味道豐富有層次Charcoal Grilled Eel上檯後店員會用火熱的炭加熱,外脆內嫩甜品Red Bean Daifuku紅豆大福口感軟糯煙韌Matcha Cheesecake抹茶芝士蛋糕清新怡人招牌雞尾酒Graff Pink帶有清新花果香氣,口味平衡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
今日黎到中環站附近嘅 AOAO 食飯 , 飲番杯 ~ 除咗室內 , 呢度仲有戶外嘅梳化位 😌 感覺好輕鬆好舒服 !!Akagai ($138)赤貝嘅鮮味 , 蘆筍同蔥嘅清爽 🤩🤩 配埋特別調配的辣汁 ~ 好特別好開胃 !Shredded Celtuce Salad ($68)萵筍絲沙律用咗一個日式嘅做法 , 加咗三文魚子同埋柴魚片 , 味道清新 ~Caramelized Pumpkin ($88)第 1 次食呢個做法嘅南瓜 !! 薄薄脆脆的一層焦糖包住軟腍清甜嘅南瓜 ! ❤️❤️Charcoal Grilled Eel ($288)上菜係一大片燒白鱔 ~ 店員會喺你面前 , 用仍然熱辣辣嘅炭喺上面烘一烘魚皮 😱😱 炭燒嘅香味撲鼻 , 簡直就係視覺同味覺嘅享受 !! 加 d 檸檬汁 , 夠曬清新 😍😍 白鱔皮好脆好薄 , 魚肉油脂豐富 ! 不得了 !! A4 Wagyu Cutlet Charcoal Sando ($328)竹炭三文治夾埋 A4 級嘅吉列和牛 !! 外脆內軟 , 油脂滿分 , 入口即溶 😋😋 好好食呀 !!Matcha Cheesecake ($68)Double Formage Cheesecake ($68)Hutton Jadeite ($148) (下)用咗 Black Label Whisky, peach green tea, lychee 同 matcha 調配而成 , 酒味較濃 , 好足料 !L'incomparable ($148) (上)呢杯係酸酸甜甜, 比較易入口 !整體嚟講 , 呢度嘅食物好有創意 , 絕對唔係普通餐廳可以食到一式一樣嘅菜式 👍👍 cocktail 款式多又特別 !! 唔怪得知咁多中環打工仔放咗工後都嚟呢度同朋友飲飲酒傾偈啦 !! 🤗🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
Recently, my friend and I had the pleasure of dining at AOAO, a modern and stylish bar-type restaurant in Central. The ambiance was vibrant, and many patrons were elegantly dressed, making it a perfect spot to unwind after work. There are indoor and outdoor seating, so it's great for grabbing a drink too.🦀 Hairy Crab Butter Udon (超推啖啖肉蟹肉牛油烏冬)This visually stunning dish showcased a generous amount of crab meat, crab roe, Japanese egg yolk, spring onions, and sesame, all mixed with the delightfully chewy udon noodles. It was an unforgettable dish! 😍🍜🐖 Tonkatsu (吉列豬扒)The Tonkatsu featured Iberico pork collar with a perfectly crispy and non-greasy coating. The meat was exceptionally tender and juicy. The accompanying plum yoghurt sauce provided a tangy and appetizing flavor. 🐷👌🐟 Hamachi (油甘魚刺身)The Hamachi sashimi was incredibly smooth and delicate, with a refreshing sweetness and a hint of umami. It was garnished with crab roe, bitter melon, and salted egg yolk, adding layers of flavors and textures. 🍣🤤🍅 Pickled Tomato Salad (番茄沙律)This beautifully presented dish showcased the harmonious combination of tangy and sweet tomatoes with a creamy tomato consommé cream. The smooth and velvety cream added a luxurious touch to the salad. 🥗🍅🎃 Caramelized Pumpkin (焦糖南瓜)The caramelized pumpkin had a thin layer of caramel that added a delightful crunch. It was perfectly balanced in sweetness, and the pumpkin itself had a dense and aromatic texture. A delightful combination of crispy and soft. 🍬🧀 Double Formage Cheesecake Cheesecake 奶油香重,口感有啲似食緊雪糕,入口即融念The cheesecake had a rich cream cheese flavor and a texture reminiscent of ice cream. It melted in the mouth, leaving a lingering taste that was truly indulgent. 🍰🧀❤️🍡 Red Bean DaifukuThe soft and chewy outer layer of the Daifuku encased a perfectly sweetened red bean paste. It provided a delightful balance of textures and flavors. 🍡😋HUTTON JADEITE cocktail🍹A beautifully presented concoction of Black Label Whiskey, Peach Green Tea, Lychee, and Matcha, served in a unique box-like glass. Pineapple Juice🍍We savored the fresh and satisfying Pineapple Juice, which had us craving for more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-18
位於皇后大道中依間樓上fusion酒吧餐廳一直深受附近OL打工仔歡迎最岩放工落黎飲杯野 食下煙 吹下水我今日都去左朝聖😍餐廳有室內外座位 設計時尚 整潔空間感十足人手安排好足夠 而且每位staff都好friendly同細心 真心要讚一讚💕⭕️ AKAGAI ($138)赤貝都屬於我地幾常食既貝類之一依款做法好清新 包住蔥 蘆筍 加埋少少spicy sauce 作為前菜幾開胃😌⭕️ SHREDDED CELTUCE SALAD ($68)第二款salad都好fresh 萵筍刨成絲 配搭三文魚籽 柴魚片 同蘿蔔蓉好鮮味 好夾 完全零負擔😍⭕️ CARAMELIZED PUMPKIN🎃 ($88)睇相吸引🤩 真樣💯南瓜外層燒至焦糖 好脆口內裡軟身 保留南瓜嘅原味 💕私心最愛⭕️ CHARCOAL GRILLED EEL ($288)有味道😋 有gimmick🔥鰻魚上枱後 店員會拎舊炭埋枱辣一辣佢魚肉十分彈牙 厚實 唔係出邊食開好軟身嗰隻最過癮係入口後 (皮果邊)食到有少少麻嘅感覺成個感覺好新鮮 亦好好味🤤⭕️ A4 WAGYU CUTLET CHARCOAL SANDO ($328)萬眾期待嘅主角 和牛三文治🐮中間塊牛用吉列方式烹調過 juicy有咬口😬竹炭麵包皮有驚喜 成個dish睇得食得又打卡able正📸⭕️ AOAO SANGRIA🍸/ GINGER BEER🍺 飲品方面 我叫左杯signature Sangria店員話依款好受歡迎 👏🏻餐廳用咗champagne代替紅酒 我個人幾鍾意之後返嚟都一定會嗌🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環搵食,又俾我發現咗間chill極又靚到極嘅高級日本餐廳,一入門口已經被門口巨型的藝術裝置吸引,好有藝術氣息! 整間餐廳佈滿綠寶石裝飾,配上昏暗燈光,襯托出時尚特式!戶外區更設有DJ打碟,同成班朋友坐起沙發舉杯暢飲~ 爽😊⭐️Charcoal🔥Grilled Eel店員喺我哋面前用竹炭去煙燻鰻魚表面,鰻魚外皮入口脆卜卜。而極大塊鰻魚都肉嫩彈牙!冇骨嘅感覺,大增口感。必點之選!⭐️A4 Wagyu Cutlet Charcoal竹炭三文治多士,配上經過炸過嘅A4厚切和牛,和牛啖啖肉,油脂滿瀉,入口即溶。朋友非常鍾意❤️🥢Akagai呢個頭盤係用赤貝肉加入微辣醬汁醃製過,中間包住爽脆既蘆筍,入口鮮甜又清新🥢Shredded Celtuce Salad另一款就揀咗個三文魚子加萵笋絲沙律,萵笋好似麵條咁幼長,好特別清爽口感🥢Caramelised Pumpkin南瓜煮到夠軟,外面用小小肉桂和大量焦糖包住再炸脆,入口香脆甜絲絲,有驚喜🍰抹茶芝士蛋糕再揀埋個甜品。芝士同抹茶味都香濃,味道好夾🥂最後揀咗兩杯酒到戶外地方傾咗成晚~ 好開心😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)