10-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station continue reading
Popinjays is a contemporary rooftop restaurant and stylish bar with a 420-square-metre wraparound terrace, perfect for appreciating the Instagram-worthy views and mingling with the fashionable crowd. To complement the experience are dishes of European fare, a world-class selection of classic cocktails, specialty spirits, and bar snacks. Popinjays, a term once assigned to parrots, takes its name from the resident cockatoos along neighbouring Garden Road, Hong Kong Park and Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Naturally drawn to being part of a flock, and rarely flying solo, the habits of these birds embody Popinjays’ sociable spirit. continue reading
Additional Information
Popinjays offers set Lunch on weekdays, Newlyadded Afternoon seafood delights with 2 hours free flow drinks.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (241)
Level1 2024-03-23
Afternoon tea:Each bite was a symphony of flavors, from the classic cucumber sandwiches with a twist of dill-infused cream cheese t0 the fluffy scones served with clotted cream and homemade preserves. The selection of teas was equally impressive, offering everything from traditional English breakfast to exotic blends that tantalized the taste buds. The attentive service and elegant ambiance elevated the experience, making it a perfect indulgence for any occasion.dessert:From the rich and velvety chocolate mousse cake to the refreshing citrus-infused fruit tarts, each dessert was a masterpiece in its own right. The attention to detail and quality of ingredients shone through, leaving a lasting impression that lingered long after the last bite.salty treats:From gourmet charcuterie boards featuring an assortment of artisanal cheeses and cured meats to indulgent truffle fries and crispy calamari, there's something to please every palate. The flavors were bold and well-balanced, with each dish showcasing the culinary expertise of the kitchen team. Pairing these salty delights with a glass of fine wine or a handcrafted cocktail only enhanced the experience, creating a memorable dining experience that left me craving more.baked bread: The aroma of warm bread fills the air as you enter, setting the stage for a truly delightful dining experience. Whether it's the crusty artisanal loaves served with whipped butter or the soft and pillowy focaccia infused with fragrant herbs, each bite is a celebration of simplicity and quality. The breads are the perfect accompaniment to any meal, adding a touch of comfort and familiarity to every dish. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-25
第一次黎呢間酒店,金鐘出口行12分鐘終於搵到,建議taxi或者開車黎,方便些~呢間好合適拍照📷也可以聽豎琴,但佢係第一間熄燈趕我地走的酒店,或許有下場自助晚餐吧!平時聞說坐到7點,真可惜!今次為慶祝好友結婚而食,每人約$285,感謝其中一位好友團購搶買大成功!新年之際,又可以收到大家利是🧧,又可以食個好味英式下午茶,但係半島酒店、四季酒店就更好食好多,不過文華東方+FW 1881 house就差過呢間呢間鬆餅係差過半島又細過半島,咸點如火腿芝士三文治、煙燻三文魚盒子反而唔錯👍其中一個甜點好似珍珠,但唔會太sweet☺️而綠色的甜點最被大家嫌棄,飲品係氣泡水同埋香檳,當然伯爵茶必不可少! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-01
一道道地道又驚喜嘅菜式,令我一邊食一邊不禁讚嘆「嗱嗱聲」!🍴 豐盛嘅鹹牛肉三文治,肉質咁滑,味道夠哂鮮甜,每一啖都有驚喜嘅口感。飲品方面,個人特別鍾意嗰杯紅桑子樽裝汽水,清新嘅口感同香甜夠晒解膩。🍹夾萃西式與廣東小菜精髓嘅主廚推介,係呢度嘅亮點之一。特別係嗰個酥炸蝦多士,真係「又脆又香」,每一啖落去都令人難以忘懷。至於甜點方面,龍井蛋糕特別出彩,細膩綿滑嘅口感同淡淡嘅茶香味,完美融合到一起,係呢場下午茶中嘅「完美收官」。最後落腳細品茉莉花茶,感受眼前綠意盎然嘅庭園美景,呢次體驗確實係一場視覺同味覺嘅饗宴!當然,少不了要讚下服務,服務員「有求必應」,響應好快,整體來講,呢個下午茶係「值得再訪」嘅好去處。🌿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日前來到Murray的Popinjays享受特別的節日午餐 festive lunch ,美利酒店是一間香港五星級豪華酒店, Popinjays 是一家現代時尚風格rooftop餐廳和時尚酒吧。品嚐完美的午餐後,您可以四處漫步,欣賞迷人的聖誕裝飾🎄🎅🏻festive lunch menu 只需$598便可享受美味的3道菜午餐,或$648的4道菜體驗! 前菜配上麵包開胃菜有令人垂涎的和牛🥩塔塔、香煎帶子🐚、蟹🦀千層酥,而Burrata🧀是我最愛。至於middle course ,從帶有檸檬香的奶油蘑菇湯🥣🍄和松露餃子到帶有加拿大龍蝦🦞和檸檬和百里香的香檳Risoni,選擇多樣。到了主菜,我推薦選擇帶有鵝肝的安格斯牛排🥩,適合追求頂級選擇的人。此外還有烤春雞和烤茄子選擇,適合和朋友分享! 最後,以迷人的Popinjays tiramusu作為結尾,巧Popinjays tiramusu 妙地製作成一個可愛的雪人☃️,為結尾增添了一抹趣味。✍🏼評分:8.5/10💸價格:港幣$598(3道菜)或$648(4道菜)📍地址:Popinjays, The Murray Hong Kong continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Popinjays位於美利酒店 26樓 風景一流 非常之chill💜專登去食咗聖誕節嘅下午茶自助餐同埋小朋友一齊食的員工對小朋友都非常之友善又同小朋友玩💜不過當日陽光太光猛建議下次員工可以落多少少窗簾令到客人冇咁曬😭自助餐甜品不過不失未有太特別但係唔算難食甜品的確係聖誕節主題嘅嘢食但係只係外觀好靚味道就有啲一般了😢嘢食都refill得好快選擇唔算太多 依樣嘢可以改善雖然係聖誕節下午茶☕️除咗有一棵聖誕樹🎄未見有太多聖誕節嘅裝飾有少少失望😞不過亦都安排咗喺聖誕樹附近方便打卡影相📸依樣值得一讚嘅不過聖誕節嚟講都唔算好多人係一個幾好嘅寧靜環境同朋友屋企人聚一聚🫶🏻整體嚟講都唔錯但係會覺得平時一般嘅普通非自助餐食下午茶比較出眾😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)