2-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The lighting design makes a special IG check point for the restaurant. It provides lots of Japanese dishes, from side dishes, skewers and fired to the shabu shabu. The Hiroshima oyster pot is famous and the taste of Japanese miso is rich. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 00:00
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (629)
和朋友都吃過旺角的申子居酒屋,還沒來到銅鑼灣,今晚我們相約來這晚餐。餐廳內以日式木質裝飾為主,營造出溫馨的氛圍,而座位感覺比旺角店來得舒適。餐廳有不同種類的食物,包括日式小食、刺身、串燒、炸物及鍋物等,我們選了幾項人氣單品來試試。申子海膽和牛燒$378全晚的焦點在這道菜上,店員會在我們面前將和牛由生燒到熟,問我們想吃的熟度,我們選了推介的七成熟,看他在面前即席製作,有治癒感,未吃已先期待。將和牛燒好後包入米飯,再在上層放置海膽及魚子,非常premium的感覺,一口咬下去,那種juicy及和牛香味,和牛肉質柔軟而多汁,加上海膽及魚子的鮮甜中帶鹹香,滿滿都是感動的滋味。 申子新卷$248飯卷的中心似是炸魚皮,在頂層加上吞拿魚蓉、海膽及三文魚子,這是我最喜歡的配搭,一口一件,鮮甜魚香及海鮮香氣層次豐富,食完有意猶未盡的感覺,極上鹽燒牛舌芯$128牛舌芯是牛舌中最嫩滑的部分,這道牛舌芯的口感絕對值回票價,牛舌切成粒狀及比較厚身,但卻一點都不韌,它燒得剛好,很爽口,淡淡的鹽味帶出牛舌的鮮味,質地柔嫩,令人回味無窮。舞茸豚肉卷$68肉卷外皮烤得恰到好處,帶有微微焦香,內裡的舞茸菇平衡了肉的油膩,而又健康營養,比較少見到選用舞茸來作串燒的食材。每一道菜都是精選必吃,令人想一吃再吃,大大力推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🏯 I had the pleasure of dining at Shinko, a highly recommended Japanese restaurant in Causeway Bay. With glowing reviews from friends and a reputation for excellence, my expectations were high, and I was not disappointed. Here are the exquisite dishes we savored:1️⃣ Grilled Wagyu Beef with Urchin (申子海膽和牛燒)🥩🔥 $378repare to be amazed by the captivating culinary showmanship of the Shinko waitstaff as they expertly prepare this dish right before your eyes. Using a flame gun, the raw wagyu beef is seared to perfection. The waiter then adds a raw egg and rice, carefully rolls the beef step by step, and finally crowns it with a generous serving of creamy sea urchin. Each bite is a masterpiece of flavor and presentation.2️⃣ Crab white-meat and yellow-meat Risotto (極上蟹肉蟹膏燉飯) 🦀 $288repare to be enchanted by the rich and luxurious flavors of this creamy risotto, featuring the finest white-meat and yellow-meat crab. Every bite is a celebration of decadence.3️⃣ Grilled Yam with Mentaikoad and Cheese (明太子芝士山藥)🧀 $68:Savor the delightful combination of smoky grilled yam, savory mentaikoad, and creamy cheese. This dish strikes the perfect balance between earthy, spicy, and cheesy flavors.🍣 Additionally, we were delighted to receive complimentary Wagyu Beef Sushi as a special gift for booking a table. The succulent beef, expertly paired with the freshness of sushi, was a delightful bonus to our dining experience.💰 The total bill for our party of two came to $807, including a 10% service charge. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
高質居酒屋 想食靚牛嘅首選地銅鑼灣真係美食集中地,尤其係日本料理,簡直雨後春筍,花眼瞭亂到唔知揀乜好。如果嗰晚想食日本嘢,唔係刺身壽司咁凍冰冰嘅,又唔係串燒啤酒🍻,想食和牛兼滿足感,多數會揀申子。先講氣氛,有啲情調又暗暗地,空間感好好,仲有卡位好座好吹水!今晚夜入座,有四人座,仲送和牛壽司🍣✨//申子海膽和牛燒//見隔離枱食緊和牛燒,吸引到我閃閃眼🤩唔執輸嗌一份,$378係唔平,不過2個人share呢,都值得試!有員工即場燒俾你,生熟度可以揀。有中間包住啖飯,重點加隻蛋黃!和牛味濃,加上有fancy嘅海膽同魚子🤭呢個質素 我會encore!! //鹽燒牛舌芯//呢個必試!即叫即整完全熱辣辣,軟淋淋口感好好,外面亦好香脆。唔使點樣調味,加少少鹽已經好好。//壽喜燒//天氣涼涼地,嗌個鍋試下。水準高,和牛當然無和牛燒咁正,但絕對好唔錯👍🏻 加埋蛋一流。如果可以配烏冬就正了!//蓬松玉子//即係芝士雞蛋卷,內裏嘅芝士係留心嘅!外面嘅玉子好香蛋味,鍾意食蛋嘅朋友仔記得要試吓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-01
一個月前約朋友聚餐終於等到呢間連日本人都會去既居酒屋一定有番咁上下一打開餐牌見到一樣好吸引鹿兒島A4和牛茶漬飯$328有4大片和牛~將熱辣辣既湯倒落去,加d海苔&芥末一齊食,和牛半生熟,入口即化,牛味香濃,油脂分佈均勻,湯底有和牛加持即刻昇華左🤤同朋友一人一半剛剛好~叫左杯百年梅酒$98因為好多款梅酒,所以問店員有咩推介,聽到百年梅酒,酒精濃度高有埋果蓉,就決定要呢杯。飲落的確係唔同D~梅味勁濃,係出面梅酒三倍既味道,好好飲,衝住呢杯百年梅酒,一定會再嚟。申子新卷$248最頂係魚籽跟住海膽,下一層係吞拿魚蓉,卷仔細細口感層次豐富,吞拿魚蓉錦滑,海膽鮮味,平時唔太好魚籽既我,今日都覺得加埋一齊幾好。燒芝士年糕$68/二本好少見芝士年糕有埋海苔係底,熱辣辣好好食。舞茸豚肉卷$68豚肉包住滿滿既舞茸~味濃爽口,唔錯。日式雞鎚花蝦$118啖啖肉既雞鎚外面裹滿櫻花蝦,增添左一點鮮味,炸得好脆口,一口咬落去仲見到肉汁,蘸埋蛋黃醬,呢個配搭非常好。環境舒適,卡位寬敞,裝修好日式Feel,燈光柔和~令人好放鬆店員好有禮貌,下次除左再飲梅酒,要試埋海膽壽司🤤🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-01
銅鑼灣必試日本居酒屋‼️一訪再訪,除了大家都熟悉的吉列芝士千層豚肉,新menu還有好多吸引選擇😋✨申子海膽和牛燒即席炙燒的和牛油香好豐富,包着混入蛋汁的飯,入口好creamy🥴上面再加上海膽和魚子,口感豐富又矜貴!✨極上蟹膏蟹肉燉飯蟹肉愛好者見到會馬上心心眼😍滿滿的蟹肉、蟹籽和蟹膏,不就是全蟹宴嗎🦀🦀拌勻一口大滿足!最重要是完全沒有膩感,獨吃一碗也可以呢🤘🏼✨廣島蠔鍋五大件廣島蠔飽滿又新鮮🦪一啖湯配一啖蠔肉,暖心又好味🥹餐廳最近亦推出感謝祭,所有酒精飲品享買一送一🍶星期日至四晚市更有85折優惠,抵食抵食🤩另外又與日本宮崎縣廳及大分縣廳聯乘,使用九州直送食材,真正品嚐日本滋味🫶🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)